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It is said that a victimizer is one whom cheats, dupes,

mulnipluates in order to gain for ones self. Though correct a

victimizer is a victim in his or her own right. For what does

one really gain from causing pain to others. A breif moment

of pleasure, trading genuiene emotion for a selfish moment

of fulfilment. Creating cycles that become harder to stop

because it becomes a part of whom you are. Over the years I

have learned much from the experiences James has been

through, I am James or I use to be. So many years of holding

on to pain caused by others, only to cause pain to people

who would give their life to be with me. I used, abused, and

destroyed, people I actually cared for, and what did i gain?

More pain. Until I woke up and said to myself nomore. In

order for me to love anyone I must first began to love

myself. I've questioned if I would ever be able to break this

cycle that I had been so invested in and yes I can. If I just

take life one day at a time I could actually be the man I

know I am destined to be. I could recieve all the things I

want in life, if I just took the time. I am not my past and my

past doesn't define me as a man. I use to believe I was

gaining from my poor decisions, I wasn't. I've hurt so many

people including myself and for that I am sorry. As a man

Im able to now own up to my mistakes. I am not that scared

little boy anymore. Though sometimes I sit back and ask

myself why? There is no true answer. In todays world love

has so many definitions, but can it truely be defined? I'm 29

years old and in all my years of running around, playing the

game, I opened my eyes and something had to change, I like

many men thought that the nagging and the complaining

from women was their attempt to change who I was but I

was wrong on so many levels, its not nagging and

complaining it was just their way of giving me the answers I

needed to keeping them happy, which I was choosing to

ignore, thinking I was the man, what I say goes, no

compromise, and when I was willing to compromise it

wasnt really compromise it was me finding a way working

around the issue to get what I wanted, relationships of any

kind become difficult not because thats what they are

meant to be we complicate them with our need to feel as if

we arent losing ourselves in someone else, to give someone

complete power over you is one of the largest fears some

may have but until we are ready to do so then we will not

be capable of loving correctly.

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