chapter one

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I wake up by the sound of my annoying alarm clock. I look at the time on my phone. 6:31 it reads.

I groan, rolling over onto my back once again. Today is my first day in grade 12 at Sagewood Highschool, and I'm dreading it already.

By the time I get up, it's 6:45. I go to my closet and pick out a simple outfit; dark jeans, a plain white t-shirt, and a red and black flannel.

I brush my hair extremely slowly, and put on very simple makeup; mascara, and a nude lipstick.

When I get downstairs, my mom is gone already, as usual.

I grab my bag loaded with school supplies I know I'm not going to use and take a protein bar for breakfast.

I pack my phone and wallet into my bag and look at the time once more. 7:45 "shit." I mumble.

My first class started at 8:25, but I wanted to get there early for a good parking spot and to find my way around.

I walk through the door, and there's already millions of students and teachers hustling around.

I frown, not knowing where to go at all.
I look to the right and see the office.

"Ow. God." I exclaim as I run into something.. Or someone hard.
All my books fall to the ground.

"I'm so sorry! Here, I'll help you out."

I smile at his politeness, still not daring to look up before responding. "Its okay, really."
After cleaning up the rest of my books, he offered me a hand. As I took it, I looked up to find a very attractive guy with tan skin, dark hair styled up and dark green eyes.
He notices me staring and smirks. "Checking me out?"
I feel my face heat up.

"What's your name?"

"I'm Lea smith. I'm new here." I say quietly.

"I'm Evan. " He blushed a little.

"Lea. Well maybe I'll see you again!" He says, showing his perfect, white teeth.

I walk away in a daze. Maybe I just made my first friend? He was certainly hot!

I find the office and walk in to get my schedule from the secretary.
"Hello, name please?" She asks with no enthusiasm.

"Lea Smith." I tell her, twisting a strand of my hair nervously.

"Okay. Here's your schedule. Your TA will be Mr. Daniel." She says a little rudely.

"Thanks.." I say quietly, walking away to find my class.

I walk around, terribly lost for a good 10 minutes before I feel a tap on my shoulder.

"Are you lost?" Asks a deep voice.
I turn around and in front of me a dark tanned boy with dark hair and eyes, and a really friendly smile.

"That's a bit obvious isn't it!" I say laughing.

He smiles, with his dark eyes twinkling.
"I'm Caleb."

"I'm uh, Lea." I say looking down at my shoes shyly.

"Who do you have for TA Lea?"

"Mr Daniel I believe." I say.

"Hey me too!" Caleb exclaims. " I'll walk you there!"

I smile, grateful to meet another nice person.

He leads me up to the second floor, and into a class labelled class 237.

We find two desks next to eachother and set out things down.

I wonder if Evan will be in my class... I think. That would be so distracting!

My thoughts are interrupted by the bell, so loud it made me jump!

A door slams shut.

"Hellooo class!" Says a gorgeous, yet familiar voice. "I'm Mr Daniel, I'll be your TA and maybe for some of you, if you're lucky, french."

No fucking way. I think, looking up. I make eye contact with a pair of dark green eyes. He looks away with a smirk.


Evan Daniels?

But you're my teacher.. (student/teacher romance)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora