Beginning : CHAPTER 1

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Hi my name is Jake Daniel ,
And I am a gaming Junky I have only one friend called Alan (my only other friends where online gamers)  and we met when I was ten , I am an adopted child my parents died in a car crash so I was told I was in the car when I was 5 I got a head injury and didn't remember any thing about my past so that's my story .

Present day .

It was just another beautiful day I was at school in the principles office for fighting with a girl ( Amanda Rose , one of the most popular kids in school ) over a video game , I had finally won and she called me a cheater and I said she was crazy and she turned into a beast, she was tinny (but I could not fight back, she was a girl) anyways she lashed and scratched

Her friends  Jeff,Dave ,Dylan, and Lana the most beautiful girl I had ever seen in my opinion cheered her on by saying " fight,fight,fight ,fight...." And Alan was in Literature class,so no one helped me until the most unlinked Tr ,MrFlanders stopped the fight and said ,

" you two to the principles office immediately " he shouted .

" she didn't do anything "Jeff said.

"Yah she didn't" the rest said .

Not realising they were angering Mr Flanders even more he said "oh ya ,all of you in the principals office "

It made my situation even worse ,it would be five of them and one of me .

When we reached the office the Tr. said  everything he saw and the principal said " I am very disappointed" and opened the window it was so beautiful outside and he reached at the phone and as he was about to call our  parents a scream shrieked inside the school .

He said " those loud music class students with no talent "

Then a knock came on the door and a growl came from the door and my gut told me it was not good.

When the principal opened the door my jaw dropped in disbelief I recognized that it was Mr. Flanders and he was covered with blood on he's shirt and he's insides visible he  growled and jumped on the principal and chomped down on he's neck we all ran to the back of the room .

"Shit that's a real life zombie" we all thought.

It was more disgusting than a game or movie with blood spilling every where and then it hit me 

" If we don't get out soon we are next "

It was blocking the door then I grabbed a chair and took a swing at it the wooden chair Brock and the zombie stood up looking at us with blue eyes.

" Good job you now made it notice us " Amanda said .

It stood up and roared loud enough for the whole school to hear I griped hard on leg of the chair and stabbed it in the head ,it fell and gave a loud thud .

I then grabbed my bag and said" we should run  and find help", the rest agreed and we ran to the corridor and we saw a bunch of zombies running towards us.

I realized the zombie in the offices didn't roar out of anger but was trying to call for backup we all ran to the office and I slammed the door 

" to the window" I shouted.

" its to high" Amber said

" you wanna stay hear " I said

"No ..." She said .

I cut her off and said" just jump"

The dead principal started to twitch .
And Jeff said "you don't have to tell me twice" as he jumped then Dylan and Amber and Lana then I told Dave " can you fucking jump I " finally he jumped and I saw the principals eyes open and they glowed blue like a diamond and I immediately jumped out the window and reached the rest we stated to run and I remembered.

" my Alan friend is in literature class we have to save him" I said .

" we ,who said anything about a we and besides even if we try look around we will probably die,we were lucky to have got out of the school there is no way we are going back in ." Amber said

" Your so selfish " i said "he may still be alive so who's gonna help me" I said

It stayed quiet for a while then Lana said " I will "

Everyone looked at us like we
Were insane then we turned and saw a zombie jump out chasing someone in literature class and the zombie was my only friend Alan.

I felt so much pain, my eyes began to fill with tears then Lana held my hand and she said " sorry but we have to keep moving you are the best one of us who nows the most about zombies so what should we do ?"

I dried the tears in and said"we have to move and find help, shelter and supplies"we turned and saw the road full of zombies running after people and deserted cars that were wreaked  I spotted a store and I pointed across the street and said " over there " pointing at a store we ran and then the school doors burst open and zombies flooded out we ran and they spotted us we entered the store and I said "locked the doors" and started putting heavy things on the door holding it temporarily then it started shaking and banging .

Then I said " it won't hold for long grab what i u can " we started shoving things in or bag then I grabbed food and got some drinks and shoved them in my bag  and I grabbed some knifes and looked for anything under the counter and I found a gun i put it in my bag and picked a solar powered flash light I saw the door crack open and I said " everyone to the roof " they all ran and climbed the ladder to the roof and pushed the hatch open one by one they claimed as I held the front door and pushed it until they all climbed and I ran to the ladder as the zombies pushed and forced the door open they rushed in.

As I climbed half way up a zombie grabbed my leg pulling me I kicked it as hard as I could in the face ,it let go and it fell I climbed even faster and closed the hatch .

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