Chapter 14

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It was awfully quiet during the next car ride. No one started to speak. Until Rodger mumbled something.

“Rodger.” April said. “If you are going to puke, Layla will stop the car and you shall do it in the PUKING BUCKET!”

“Jesus.” Rodger whispered.
“No need to get hasty.”

“What was that?” April Questioned.

“Nothing.” Rodger said.

Layla stopped the car. Rodger got out of it and threw up in the do your stuff bucket. After he was done, he wiped his mouth. He used hand sanitizer for his hands to make it less gross. Then he went back inside the car with April, Layla, and Fickles.

“Whoo!” Rodger exclaimed.
“That was a-

“Rodger, please don't explain it.”
Layla said. “We already know.”

“Aw man.” Rodger thought.
“I embarrassed myself in front of a girl I like!”

“Anyways.” Fickles said. “Layla.”
“How long will it be until we can get the stone back?”

“I am not sure, Fickles.” Layla replied. “We just have to make sure that, Vino has many plans in his mind. But he will not make us surrender.”

“I love her.” Rodger thought.
“What a brave woman.”

“Oh my god.” April thought. “Rodger is Crazy about her!”
“I volunteer as tribute to make them Wed!”

“We shall stop.” Layla said.

“Why?” April and Rodger said.

“It only has been about 2 days already!” April exclaimed.

“I know.”. Layla said. “But if we don't get some sleep. The next time our energy will be drained more roughly than ever.”

“Oh, I get it.” Rodger replied.
“But where shall we sleep though?”

“Easy.” Fickles said. “Me and Layla have another Star Home a few blocks away from the Vanilla Extractor Windmills.”

“Cool.” April said.

They drove pass the Vanilla Extractor Windmills and went to Layla's and Fickles Second Star Home. They parked the car and stopped. They head inside the second star home. It was even cooler than the one Layla had at the beginning of meeting her.

“This place is cool.” Rodger said.
“How long did you have it?”

“Even since we were 10.” Layla replied. “There is 4 bedrooms. But Fickles loves to sleep into the tiny cushions. He just turns into his dragon form. Then he flies towards them, lays down, and goes to sleep.”

“Like he is right now?” Rodger questioned.

“Haha.” Layla laughed. “Yes like he is right now.”

“Okay.” Rodger said.

“OOoooOO!” April shouted from the room she chose. “Some people are in love!”

“April, Shut up!” Rodger exclaimed in an furious voice.

“No.” April exclaimed. “You love Layla! You love Layla!”

Rodger started to blush again. With that April went back into her room.

“Rodger.” Layla said. “Rodger.”
“You ok?”

“Yeah yeah.” Rodger sighed. “I hated when she did that.”

“Well.” Layla said. “I kind of known you like me.”

“W-What?” Rodger exclaimed. “How?”

“I am a star goddess.” she replied.
“I can read minds.”

“Oh, no.” Rodger thought.
“I feel so embarrassed and stupid.”

“Nonsense.” Layla said while putting her hand on his shoulder.
“I think you're pretty cute and nice too.”

“Really?” Rodger questioned.

“Of course.” Layla replied.

“Thanks for that.” Rodger said.

“No problem.” Layla grinned.
“Rodger. Come here for a minute.”

“Why?” Rodger questioned while coming there anyway.

“Bend down.” she said.

“O-Okay?” He said while looking confused.

She went closer to him, and kissed him on the cheek!

He stood up after she did it.

“Best day ever!” he exclaimed while going into his room he chose.

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