Pt 4

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🔴🔴🔴🔴trigger warnings🔴🔴🔴🔴
Abuse up ahead I'm really sorry if this upset u in anyway I didn't mean for it to

I decided to walk in fast cause I wanted the  to get the beaten over and done with

I opened the door and before it was even shut I heared

"Dixie what the hell why aren't you home early and why isn't the house clean you ungrateful little bitch"

"I'm sorry that I didn't clean the house and the teacher wouldn't let us out early I'm really sorry" I said as I was shutting the door I saw Charlie walking near my house so I quickly shut the door.

"Here we go again more stupid excuses u stupid little shit" my step-mum said as she tried to chuck a bottle at me but I dodge it

"I'm sorry" I mumbled to my self

"What was that slut" my dad should in my face

What I did next was so stupid because I didn't notice the knife in his hand

"I'm sorry dad" I shouted back in his face

"Oh no u didn't that's it Mia (my step-mum) hole her down know" my dad shouted and did the evilest laugh ever

Before those words were even settling in my head I was pined one the floor well more look push down.

My Step-mum and dad began to laugh as he toward over me with a knife over my chest

"Say goodbye to the world babygirl because Ethan weren't the supposed to go it was you" my dad shouted at me

Then before I knew it there was a knock at the door which made my dad get of me and run to the kitchen to put the knife away and whilst this was happening my mum was whispering shouting

"Get the fuck up you little ungrateful hoe"

Another knock was at the door

So I decided to open the door to see Charlie at the fort I mean what was he don going here he lives across town

"Um hi" I muttered in pain as I covered the bruises I had on my leg.

Charlie's pov

As soon as I walked in my new house as I moved here from across down my mum asked me

"Charlie is that you"

" yea mum it is" I shouted back

"K good can you come here" my mum shouted

" yes we're are you" I shouted back whilst walking around my new house trying to find her

"Im the kitchen" she shouted back at me

As I walked to the kitchen I tried to think what she might have wanted

"Hi mum" I said to her

"Hey baby can you  go next door and give them these cupcakes and ask them to keep it a bit down and as for the mum and dads number and I think there is a girl next door maybe ask for her number" she said

" yes mum I will" I said whilst talking the cupcakes

So I did I shut the door and walked next door

As I was walking up the drive way I heared shouting

So I nicked on the door then I heared people running and around

I waited 5 minutes then forced to knock again and when I did to my surprise Dixie opened the door

"Umm hi" she said in pan as she covered something with her leg

For some reason I hated the thought of Dixie in pain

So I said "hi"

"What are u doing here" she said back

Her dad then shouted " Dixie stop an ungrateful bitch again"

I could see that she got embarrassed and so to that I said

"My mum, me and my brother just moved in and she ask me to bring these cupcakes around because for some reason she decided to and could I speak to your dad" I said but quit because I thought maybe she talking quite for a reason

"Umm thank you for the cupcakes and no sorry I can't come to the park with you" she said loud

" that not what I asked" I said but quite

" I know but I just can't come" she said the last part loud".................

And sorry if there is any text talk in the story I'll try not to

And I'm really bad at spelling so sorry if there is

Also yhitslara is trying to get her book to 100 views as it on 80 something it would mean a lot to her and me so thank you if you do

If u have any suggestions please let me know

Thank you

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