11 - The heart of Ajs An'hlj

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For a moment, I feared Aalyxh's eyes would pop out of their sockets. Then she closed them and squealed. Ben slapped his palms over his ears. "Stop it, Lyxh, you're worse than a love-struck teenager at a concert of her favourite boy band."

"But this is Kali's crush!" The pilot's eyes flew open to study the face on the screen.

The severill was handsome, and heat rushed into my gills while I stood up. "Aalyxh, please open a channel." I resisted the itch to straighten my clothes. "Kalina ap Theron at your disposal, Verano se Kajll. What's important enough to exchange pleasantries?"

"Please, call me Veran. It seems an eternity since I've seen your innocent face, ap Theron, and I'm glad my favourite rogue hasn't changed." His thin lips revealed two rows of pointy teeth in a grin.

"Um." The fact this severill was the ultimate reason his whole race chased me across the galaxy tightened my throat. He still looked exotic enough to cause my neck spikes to tingle.

Aalyxh nudged my arm. "Say something, Kali." Her voice was toned down to a whisper. "And don't rely on your slingshot this time, you'd break our main screen."

The yuuol knew I hadn't used a sling for ages, but the comment broke my stupor. "Oh, I changed, and I learned a few tricks, too. But I'm sure you're not here to chat about the golden past."

The grin broadened, and I wondered about his true intentions. "I'd love to. But we should start with the problem at hand."

"Sure, and what would that be?" A fierce, whispered conversation between Hrrovr and Hijac caught my attention. I frowned, trying to concentrate on my exchange with the severill. Aalyxh sent me a sweet smile and brought the Topsy into a geostationary orbit above the city.

"The problem of finding a way back into the sector we came from?"

Yes, that was one of the urgent issues. There were several more, and a severill ship in close vicinity was one of them. "Oh, this. We're working on it."

"With success?" If I'd needed a proof severills preferred coming straight to the point, this was it.

"Partial, I'd say. What's your assessment?" While Veran conversed with someone off-screen, Aalyxh turned her screen in my direction. It showed our position relative to the planet and the severill ship. Veran had placed the Vanquisher to our left in a stable orbit—too close for my mental well-being, but not actively menacing.

"Let me be open with you, ap Theron. We know where we have to go but lack the means to do it."

A whiff of metallic surprise interrupted the exchange of Hrrovr and Hijac. The karjkan's full attention was now on the main screen. I couldn't blame them. "I appreciate the honesty, Verano se Kajll." My brains worked overtime. How far could I trust this man? "What do you want from me?"

"Veran, please, amongst old friends." He looked at me with the same toothy smile he wore so many years ago, and I was tempted to do something silly again just to keep him smiling.

"Fine, Veran. My friends call me Kali." I stressed the word friends and was gifted with another brilliant smile. Temptation got too big to withstand. "But then, my friends usually don't shoot me at sight."

The smile faltered. "Forgive, Kali. I never shot at you and have no intention to. That was my uncle's favourite sport." He winked, and I saw another smile tugging at his lips. "You shouldn't have taken his eye, you know. Although, I'm sure the grumpy, old tyrant deserved it."

Our encounter was full of surprises. "So, you don't intend to follow his orders?" My frantic search for a way to ensure this wasn't a trick pulled only blanks.

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