Living but not alive

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                 Seven years later

Today was supposed to be my birthday. I really wasn't feeling it anyways I just wanted to forget it and pretend it didn't happen. But my girlfriend favour was excited about it to be honest she was the only one who seemed to care. I've never celebrated my birthday I've never felt special so why have a day about me.
All my friends don't seem to care though I even told one it was my birthday and he answered Soo? Messed up right. My aunt had promised to take me out but the pandemic cancelled it. I told you I wasn't worth it.
Babe it's your birthday favour said to me yeah I know she in a way made me feel maybe there was a little importance. I felt human for the first time maybe I was important. I'll make a post for you she stated matter of fact and she did. Beautiful write up I was joyed . I might not get another post but this was enough nobody would have called me and I wouldn't have given a damn cause I felt loved. You see I was wrong . In my country what I am is an abomination and my girlfriend to keep herself safe is very straight on social media. So you could imagine how it felt when her friends saw the post. One even took the liberty of commenting and calling me an inlaw. I knew I shouldn't have believed. I knew I shouldn't have looked forward to it why should expect.
Favour: Tobi Please am scared tell her we're cousins
I broke into pieces cousins of all things cousins
Tobi: go tell her yourself tell so you don't have to delete the post I still wanted it.
Favour: I deleted it already.
Tobi: okay that's good at least they won't judge you
Favour: are you angry at me am sure you're disappointed
( In all honesty do I deserve to be angry after all she was protecting herself she's a pastor's daughter for goodness sake)
Tobi: no am not I totally understand dear. But I feel you should quit being a lesbian try being straight for real it will save you a whole lot of stress.
Favour: you have no right to judge me I was scared ok that girl is very homophobic
Tobi: yeah I understand
Favour: happy birthday I love you
Tobi: thanks( as usual my birthday put on a low like am this worthless piece of crap) today seizes from being my birthday. I have no birthday I don't deserve one so I won't get one.
I know what you're thinking what happened after the accident who the hell is favour where did she come from. Well I'll take you back a little.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2020 ⏰

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