Prologue: Accident

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Some forevers are found on mishaps, accidental meetings in dark places on dark days. – faraway



"Knock, knock kha."

Mew Suppasit Jongcheveevat looked up at the lilting voice.

"Eye," he smiled, seeing his CFO and childhood best friend standing in the doorway of his office, "what are you doing here?"

Eye Siwapohn Langkapin laughed, slowly approaching the man, "that should be my question na, phi. Why are you still here when it's already so late?"

Mew was about to retort when he saw the time on his screen. His eyes widened. It was almost 12am. He had been cooped up in his office for almost sixteen hours and now he noticed how tired and hungry he was. He had started to smell a bit rank too – wearing the same thing the whole day. He smiled sheepishly at Eye, and she could already guess what his answer would be.

"Then, why are you still here?" Mew asked, a teasing challenge.

"I came in just to get some documents after a meeting with the client. Saw your office lights still on so I figure you're still busy doing paperwork like the workaholic that you are. P'Mew, please, you need a life."

Mew chuckled at the subtle reprimand but Eye wasn't wrong. He was a workaholic and he was proud of it. He shrugged and gestured around his office, empty save the two of them. Ah, all his employees were already out.

"This is my life."

Eye grumbled at him, her hand making a motion as if to hit him across his desk.

"I'm serious, phi. All you do is work and no play. You have no idea how much I pray that you'll meet someone and have them take good care of you. Maybe curb your workaholic tendency. We're human, not Methuselah. Live a little, have some fun, meet new people. One of these days, I don't care if you hit someone as long as you meet someone."

"Now, now, that's not a very nice thing to say, Eye."

Eye was getting more exasperated with him and Mew was enjoying his friend's ire too much. He knew Eye meant well but he really was satisfied with his life. He didn't want to change anything. And he believed that when the time was right, the time was right. Everything had been predestined, and had their own timing. All he needed to do was go with the flow. Easy as that.

"Of course you'll focus on that instead of me saying you need to date."

Mew smiled, saving his work and shutting down his desktop. He put away everything neatly in all the right places and thought of getting some food before going home. Maybe he should ask his PA to have some delivered to his house, but it was already so late and the young CEO didn't want to burden the other man. His secretary was probably already sound asleep. Some drive-thru food it was then. Eye was still watching him; clearly there to make sure he was going home instead of getting some more work done. He looked at her.

"When the time is right, I'll meet someone. Don't worry about it, okay?"

They both stood up and Mew cracked his spine, releasing the ache from sitting still for too long. He took his coat off the rack and exited the office.

"But you don't really put any effort into it, phi. You barely go out just for the sake of socialising."

"Hey, I socialise!"

Eye gave him a look, "meeting our business partners or clients talking business is not socialising. Socialising for fun is what I mean."

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