The Man

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The Lost Explorer

It was a normal day of farming when the group of friends decided to find a new friend. Isabel, Patrisha, Daniel, Michelle and Cassandra were all a group of friends. They were messing around when someone came over. That someone was a man. He looked a bit older than them and told them he was going into the Forest of Gold. The group looked at each other. They were nervous. The forest of gold contained a huge amount of gold but there was a myth that the fiercest animals of all lived there and guarded the gold. Only 3 men had ever been in there. And they never came back... The friends thought this man was crazy but decided to not stop him. He asked for tips to do it. They gave him a couple of crumpled up dollar bills which they had gotten from doing chores around the town. The man was wearing some warm clothing. He had some boots and a backpack. His backpack was a little small and was overflowing. The kids looked at each other realising an opportunity. They asked the man if they could go with him. The man looked as surprised as a person who had just seen a tiger. "You kids really want to come with me?" he asked. "YES" the group all yelled together. "We have been in this boring town for so long," Isabel said. "I want to get out of here!" yelled Michelle. The man sighed and continued walking. The kids having nothing better to do then follow him. "I can't take you. And even if I could you need to ask your parents," the man replied. The children started thinking about this. "Well how long will you be in there?" asked Cassandra. "Yeah Our parents wouldn't mind us being out for a couple of hours," said Patrisha. "If you kids come with me you could die!" reasoned the man. He shooed them away and kept on asking for money. "I really wanted to explore," said Daniel. "Yeah this place is soooo boring," said Michelle dramatically. "Yeah I hate this place!" exclaimed Isabel. "Come on guys let's go do something boring." said Cassandra flatly. They watched as the man walked and asked the last person in the town for money. He waited before going into the woods.

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