Chapter ➂

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"Hello?!Hello?!Hello?!"My voice echoed in dark misty forest. I was only wearing nothing but my night gown.

I looked around and around,thinking were I am. Lost?
The moon was up high showing it's brightest glory,the wind was blowing gently but still,it was chilly out here.

It was actually peaceful and at the same time scary I guess.

The peace didn't stay long when there were screaming and howling heard. As soon as the sound reached my ears,I quickly vanished in the thin air and appeared in front of what it looks like a huge castle where the terrible sounds came from.

The sight wasn't pretty when dead bloody bodies and wrestling creatures were spotted. It was exactly like a horrible natural disaster.

Storms of punches,bodies flying everywhere like volcanic eruption,blood raining like rain and loud screams of women and children. SAD.

I ran towards the castle gates and in the big wooden doors,to my surprise no one saw me. When I turned I saw a man staring at me,panic quickly attacked me.

He then turned with a worried expression to a women next to him,he kissed her forehead and started saying soothing sweet things in her ear as he brushed her hair with his fingers.

"Mummy,mummy,I'm scared," A little boy cried as he hugged the mother's legs. The mother picked him up and  embraced him with her tight yet sweet warm hug,"It's okay,mummy is here."

They all did a family bear hug to calm the the little boy down.

That is when I thought they did see but ignored me but no, boy I was wrong when someone walked through me, I was a spirit kind of ghost at the moment.

"Your highnesses,the enemies are retreating,"A guard burst through the doors,panting heavily.

Highness? Oh,so now it explains why they dress with long red garments.

The man,or I should say the king,looked at him exhausted and pain at the same time and gave him orders to command the others to stand down.

He went near the huge window,peeking through it,once the sight caught his eyes,his face darkened and his jaw clenched hard as he spoke,"I will make you pay X-ander Teiwaki, I'll destroy you and your followers and everything you love. I will always remember this day, 7th of August 1953.This is the beginning."

Confusion and fear shook all over me as I slowly concentrated on what I was hearing.

He said my father's name? Is this real?
More and more questions consumed me.

End of dream....

I woke when I fell on the floor with a big thug. I groaned while taking the covers off of me and checked the time. 10:48.

Shoot...first day and I'm late. Wait where are the girls? I turned to check them and sadly they were not there. Bad luck,they left without me. I sat down again on the bed,thinking what to do,when my stomach started rambling.

Oh great, I'm hungry!I ran to the bathroom for a quick shower,which I almost slipped on the slippery tiles. Guess they forgot to provide some rag or something to prevent slipping.

I stepped in the warm welcoming water, very relaxing though.

The relaxing moment was gone,when my stomach started rambling.

I quickly did my business-as-usual ,saying quickly sounds wrong,when you actually spent 2 and a half hours doing the-so-called 'business'. Well not my fault,blame the royal blood line for making me that way.

By the time I finished, I changed into a round neck t-shirt ,skinny jeans and indoor slippers. Then brushed my new black  hair and headed down to the kitchen. 

Oh glorious,I don't really know how to cook,since I am royalty,everything was done for me by servants or others and that includes magic. Poor me, I'm hungry and helpless.

I was feeling sorry for my self,when I noticed a paper on the dinning table.

Hey don't be mad or anything,sorry but it's not our fault, you started electrifying us when we try to wake you up for school. But to make it up to you there's pie in the oven. Xxo (^_^) love you but hate you again for the electric pain in the ass.

Ouch!Didn't mean it to happen.

I rushed to the oven when I finished reading it. I took the pie and settled on the stool.

Water and pie,not a great combination,but gotta have it. I dug in and wow,really a delicious treat. For the first time in my life,I had moan to a food.

Embarrassed much.

After I went back to bed. Don't know why but it's good.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2014 ⏰

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