Part Zero : The Beginning of the End

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So, after two long years, I have finally returned writing. I apologise to everyone who was waiting on a continuation of the story. I have to admit, the story took a turn that I did not expect, but it izz what it izz. Ahem, well, I extremely hope that anyone who comes across this will enjoy it :D
Also I hope you you can handle what's going to happen >:)

Characters & situation.

December 23 2015
(Y/N) Nikiforov - 15Y (April 25)
Yuri Plisetsky - 16Y (March 1)
Victor Nikiforov - 27Y (December 25)
Yuuri Katsuki - 23Y (November 29)
Ash Yuran - 16Y (October 31)
Amber Nikiforov -11Y (May 22)
Ruby Plisetsky - 20Y

(Y/N) has just won the Gran Prix Finals for the 3rd time in a row. Suddenly, your vision was blurred by a red, runny substance, presumably blood. Minutes before this unfortunate incident, you had seen your boyfriend, Yuri Plisetsky kiss another woman. Enraged, you turn away and go towards the kiss n cry.

* We begin to walk, getting closer to the bathrooms every second. We got to the end of the walkway, to a passage that leads to the restrooms. I turn around to two familiar silhouettes, with Yuuri and Victor behind me.
My mouth drops from a smile to nothing. My eyes became heavy as I stopped to look. Victor turns to me but looks at the silhouettes.

Yuri's POV
I finish a final kiss only to turn to three figures at the end of the hallway. My eyes rush towards the smallest one. She was giving me a dead look, as if she wasn't pleased one bit.
I gained every sense of reality I lost in the last 10 minutes. I felt horrible. I felt like a cheater.

I stared at him coldly, holding back a bucket of tears. I turn my head and start walking towards the kiss n cry.

"Let's go," I said in a sharp voice.

"Bu-" Yuuri tries to speak but I interrupt.

"I said, let's go." I say even sharper. I continue to walk to the kiss n cry where I can see kenjirou. I walk towards him, pushing away all of the sadness and fear.
- TS -
I've received my score, and once again, I had most probably won judging from my Fathers' reactions. Though, I couldn't hear.
'Oh lord, this again,' I thought to myself. I had vowed to never let the world see this side of me. I had moved onto the ice to receive my medal.
I moved around the centre of the rink and wave to my fans. As I was ready to leave, I turned to the exit. I stopped in my tracks. My view became red and my mouth was dry. I extend my arm slightly before I begin to tremble. I could see a blonde bob start to move around, suddenly appearing near a platinum and black bob next to the so called exit. I try to damned hardest to list my arm up further, but all fails in the end. My vision disappears and my legs collapse. I fall onto my side. Losing any and all consciousness I had in me.

Victors POV
I watch (Y/N) receive her medal, she looked odd. (Y/N) was skating around the centre of the rink when she suddenly stopped. She lightly listed her arm. I could see two red dots appear on her face. I instantly became anxious. Yuri appeared near us, his eyes were puffy and dark, almost as if he had just been crying. She lifted he arm ever so slightly before she collapsed on her side. Blood running down from her eyes but also her head.
"Wh-WHATS GOING ON??" I shouted as i turned to Yuuri. The arena was silent. Everyone's eyes were on (Y/N). I tried to get onto to rink but the staff wouldn't allow it. I looked over at (Y/N) as the blood formed a puddle.

The conversation ends and the ambulance has been called. Hours pass and there has been to reply from anyone, especially not (Y/N).

December 25 - 04:44AM

One and a half days have passed. (Y/N) hasn't responded yet. Everyone was worried. I was sitting in her room with Yuuri by my side, though he was fast asleep on my shoulder. My eyes begin to close as I try my best to stay awake. I see slight movement in (Y/N)'s finger. I jolt up, waking up Yuuri.
"(Y/N)'s finger moved.." I exclaimed.
" *Gasp* Ah-hh, wh-wherES AMBER??" (Y/N) shouts.


I grab my phone and and look at my notifications
I quickly unlock my phone and look at the most recent message..
Ash - '(Y/N) I swear to god if you don't answer, Ambers gone missing'
I stare at my phone in disbelief. I try to call Ash but nobody would answer from the other side. My heart sunk. I try to call again but no sign of any response. A throbbing pain appeared in my chest.
'What now...'
I jolt up, and continue to look at my phone.
"April!" I shouted.
I look at my contacts. I click on April's and I see a few startling messages.
23 December - 01:05PM
April - '(Y/N), please watch out, I don't know how to tell you but Dave's gone missing, we can't find him anywhere.'
24 December - 05:30AM
April - ' (Y/N) I heard what happened, please be alright, Dave's still missing'
25 December - 02:11AM
April - ' (Y/N) respond as soon as you can, we were over watching Amber and she suddenly disappeared'

I reply to April.
(Y/N) - 'What's going on?? Where the fuck is Amber??'
April - ' Thank goodness that you're alright, I don't know where Amber is. Turns out the whole group who were with Dave were TEM members'
(Y/N) - 'Give the location of the base.'
April - ' It's XX at XXXXXX.'

The door suddenly opens. I see a blonde female storm into the room.
"Oh thank god you're awake, are you alright?" Ruby asks as she grabs my hand.
"Yeah I'm fine." I say, bothered. I rip off the UV drip and all the other wires. I struggle to stand but manage my way towards the closet. I pull of my gown and put on my normal clothes.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"To look for Amber, don't bother stopping me."

"No I think you won't, you've only just woken up from being in critical condition." Exclaims Ruby.

"Well then come with me, if you really do care about Amber you would help me get her back." I argue back.

Ruby nods and helps me get my things together to leave, Yuuri and Victor boggled as they haven't slept in more than 48 hours. I grab my phone and open the door out into the corridor. I notice a person sitting on the floor across from my door. They look up and look at me with their blue puffed up eyes as if they had been crying for hours on end. I look at them in  pity and slight anger with unknown origins. They start to stand up but before they can do so I start running in the direction of the stairs as Ruby follows.

I run down the stairs and out of the hospital, looking around to see where I am. I look at Ruby behind me and she points towards a car parked nearby. She unlocks it and we both hop in. Ruby begins to drive towards Ash's place as I continue to look at my phone.

Me- Ash please answer me

I still receive no reply from Ash, making me more and more worried. My phone starts to vibrate. I look down to see the name "Yurio" which sparked a small pain in the back of my neck. I didn't remember the source of that pain or the owner of that name but I know it made me angry. I ignored the call and looked outside the car window, I recognised the place vaguely. We pulled up towards a house and both got out. I go towards the door and knock, not receiving any sort of response. I remember where the spare key was and went to get it. I open the door leading into Ash's home and walk inside. I walk into the kitchen quickly in search for any sign of Ash or Amber. I look at the table and see a note;
"I've gone out to look for Amber, if I don't pick up my phone is probably dead

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2021 ⏰

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