KOTLC OC's react to my sister

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Me: *Jumps out from shadows and ignores everyone but Tam's gasps*

Me: You guys have got to get used to this

Emily: What's going on?

Me: Sis, come in. Everyone, this is Emily, my sister. she is also part elf part witch and her abilities are a psionipath, polyglot and phaser

Everyone else: Why do all her abilities start with p??????

Me and Emily: IDK

Sophie: Hi! tell me all about the Wizarding world Emily!

Emily: We don't have time for that. I wanna see who Tam and Linh are

Tam and Linh: You don't know us???

Me: Long story short, she is only just finished book 1

Rest of Keeper crew: WHAT? 

Me: Sophie's life from the first time she was an elf is like a book series.

Keeper crew: WHAT?

Sophie: Wait when is book one?

Me: Like when you and Dex were kidnapped.

Rest of crew: Oh

Me: Emily, this is Tam and Linh

Emily: Hi!

Linh: H-hi

Tam: Don't you dare hurt-

Me: Come on Tam! She's a mega fan like me!


Rest of elves including me and Emily: SHUT UP KEEFE!

Keefe: Fine! hmph...

Dex: Well, It's nice to meet you Emily.

Fitz and Biana: *Shake hands with Emily*

Tam and Linh: *Shake hands too*



Keefe: *pouts and just shakes hands like Fitz, Biana, Linh and Tam*

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