Chapter 2

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My 10 hours sleep felt like 5 seconds.

I was awoken by a soft knocking on the door and the moment I said "Come in!" a maid that also looks like a nurse walked in with a tray in her hands.

She quickly set it in the bed side table.

"Signore Moretti told me to give this to you when you wake up signora," she bowed slightly as she handed me a small envelope that looked like a letter.

I smiled and took it from her.

"Thank you.. Uhm what's your name?" I asked.

Her eyes widened for a second clearly shocked that I was asking for her name.

Am I not supposed to? I thought to myself.

"My name is Rosalie, signora," she answered still in a bow.

I pulled her wrist making her gasp as she didn't expect my actions.

She ended up seating next to me in the bed,  eyes still wide and mouth in an 'o'.

"Signora I-"

"Please, call me Azalea," I butted in.

She looked so hesitant at first before she nodded slowly.

"So, Rosalie, where is Luca?" I asked her directly and she answered almost immediately.

"The signore went out early this morning signora— er... Azalea," she corrected herself when I gave her the look.

I nodded in response and opened the letter Luca left for me.

Buongiorno Mia moglie,

I apologize that I wasn't able to speak to you as I depart but I didn't want to wake you up from your sleep,  it is clear that you are still tired after yesterday.  I am out of town dealing with the business but I will be back before dinner. I'll see you then!


So he's out of town and won't be back till dinner time.

I closed the letter just like it used to and tucked it underneath my pillow. I turned to Rosalie who was still seating beside me but looking down at her hands.

"Well Rosalie, I might need a little help from you today," I said which caught her attention as she immediately looked up at me.

"Certainly sign- Azalea. I am actually stationed here mainly for you. The Signore said that you will be needing my help," she smiled brightly at me causing me to smile back.

"Alright! Then first, I want out of this night dress," I said and pointed at the unattractive night gown that I wore.

Rosalie giggled and stood up.

"Right this way Miss!"


After changing into a dress that looked so formal for me to be wearing simply inside the house it came to my knowledge that there is no jeans nor shorts that ever existed in my closet.

Rosalie was a big help, she answered all of my questions.

It seems that what Luca told me yesterday night was all true.

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