Chapter 3: Goodbye Minnesota, Hello L.A

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I woke up the next morning slightly not feeling a well but shrugged it off thinking that I was just tired from yesterday. I took a shower and got dressed. I got to the living room and saw that my luggage was already there

"Come on sweetie or else you're gonna miss your flight. The car is ready." Grandpa said. I got in the car and grandpa brought my luggage inside and we drove off to the airport.

At the airport

We arrived at the airport right on time the plane was about to leave in 10 minutes.

"Well this is it kiddo we'll miss you. Take care of yourself." grandpa said ruffling my hair

"Yeah sweetie promise us that you'll be careful there and I hope you sort things out with the boys." grandma said hugging me

"I'll miss you too grandma and grandpa. Take care of yourselves and be careful. I love you guys" I said slightly crying

"We love you too sweetie" grandma said and we group hugged.

The stewardess took my bags and guided me to the plane. I took one last glance at my grandparents and gave them a wave goodbye before entering the plane. The stewardess led me to my seat and asked

"Is there anything that you need sweetie?"

"Uhm could I get a blanket and a warm chocolate milk please it's kinda cold here." I said

"Sure thing sweetheart just wait right here." she said then left. I took out my IPod and played some music.

A few minutes I felt a tap on my shoulder and saw that it was the stewardess, she gave me my drink and blanket

"If you need anything else just call me ok sweetie?" she said "I will, thanks...... Eleanor." I said reading her name tag

"You're welcome sweetie" she said then left. I wrapped the blanket around me and slowly drank my chocolate milk then resumed listening to music. My eyes started to droop and moments later I drifted off to sleep.

A few hours later....

I felt myself being shaken. I opened my eyes and saw that it was Eleanor "sweetie we're about to land" she said I nodded and prepared myself for landing.

When we landed Eleanor help me with my bags and escorted me to the arrival area. The airport was packed with people. I tried finding mom and Katie but saw the boys instead.

"Are they supposed to pick you up?" Eleanor asked. I just nodded

We made our way to them and they approached us as soon as they saw us.

"Lexi we missed you so much" Kendall said hugging me then the others followed. All of them I didn't hug back.

"Thank you" I said then hugged her.

"Aww sweetie you're very welcome. Take care now bye." she said then left.

"Come on Lexi lets go." James said getting my bags and putting it in the car.

We got into the car and I sat as far away from them as possible. The car ride was very quiet.

"So how are you Lexi?" Carlos asked breaking the silence

"Fine" I said shrugging

"Look Lexi we're really sorry for ignoring you for the past months but we're just really busy, with concerts and albums." Kendall said

"But you have time to hang out in the pool with your friends?" I asked quietly.

"Lexi we are really sorry, maybe we just got caught up with everything, that we unintentionally ignored you. We love you Lexi we really do." Logan said

Tears started streaming down my face when he said those words. I believed him but a part of my just won't accept it so I just stayed quiet and look out the window. I heard them sigh and everything went quiet again.

After a few moments we arrived at the Palm Woods. We arrived at our apartment and went inside. There I saw mom and Katie with a cake in their hands with 'Welcome home' written on it

"Oh honey I've missed you so much" mom said hugging me.

"I missed you too mom" I said

"Hey baby sis" Katie said opening her arms for a hug.

"Katie!" I exclaimed tackling her into a hug.

The boys just stared at them feeling really jealous.

"Why don't the guys tour you around Palm Woods now and maybe bring you with them to Rouqe records to see them work tomorrow." mom said with a smile.

"Why can't Katie do it?" I whined

"Sorry kiddo but I've got lots of homework to do." she said apologetically smiling at me.

"Why can't you?" I asked

"Sorry honey but I'm very busy." she said

"Fine" I said and turned to the guys "Well don't just stand there let's go"

So we started the tour with the famous Palm Woods pool

"So here is the Palm Woods pool this where we hang out on very hot days. We go tanning and swimming here." James said

"This is also where you spend your free instead of talking to me." I whispered to myself. They must've heard it because they sadly looked at me. I avoided their gaze and continue walking.

Next we went to the Palm Woods Park.

"This is the Palm Woods Park. This is where we go to when want to have picnics or just to goof of. This is also the best place to star gaze. I know you love to watch the stars at night. Remember we used to do this every night." Kendall said hoping I would answer.

"Used to" I snapped at him.

He looked at me apologetically and I just looked away.

Last was the Palm Woods School

"This is where we go to school to and this is also where you will study next week." Logan said

I just nodded "Can we go now I'm really tired."

They nodded and we went back to our apartment. I sat down on the couch and mom brought us some drinks.

"How was the tour honey?" mom asked placing the drinks on the table and sat beside me.

"It was nice. Palm woods is really beautiful and I'm really excited to be going to school next week." I said smiling widely

"Well that's good at least you could start new in this school." mom said hugging me

"*yawn* well I'm really tired from the flight so I'm going to bed early. Don't wake me up for dinner because I might be asleep the rest of the day. Goodnight see you tomorrow." I said then went to sleep.

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