searching for Emma

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My alarm woke me up at 5:am.I wasn't exactly happy about it,then I remembered why I set my alarm at 5:am. I turned and saw Ashley beside me. "Wake up " I said.

"What time is it" grumbled Ashley "its  5 in the morning,I can't believe you slept through that alarm .I'll go freshen up" I said

"this holiday will definitely be adventurous,just like our other holidays " she exclaimed.

I woke up feeling lousy all over,the time was exactly 5:10. "Dude wake up "
"Whyyyy?" Asked caleb "uh because we are going out early to search for Emma " I replied 

So the group came downstairs one by one and sat down for breakfast.

"So it's settled, we're gonna look for Emma." I said. "Well we have to for the sake of being nice and probably because we have nothing to do "said Cameron.

By 6:35 am we were finished with our toast and tea. "Jason, we're going. Bye"i said.

So we went outside and soon we we were walking down the street looking for clues. "I think we should just give up and go home." Said caleb "I mean we have been looking for at least one and half hours"." I agree with caleb. We should just go "

"No, we are not giving up." Said Ashley "think about it guys, you killed your father and the cops and a gang of criminals are looking for you, where would you go?"

"You're right, besides she mentioned she had a brother .... ". "That's right, so if she killed her father then her mother would not be in the condition to take care of her brother, I mean think about it "

"Yes, so her brother would be somewhere else, maybe at their neighbour's..." "or child care" said Cameron.

"What are you kids looking for  early in the morning" asked a man. Then I saw that he was a cop. "Well we were ah just out on a walk " I said "that's right, you know a bunch of teenagers out to get that morning sunshine " said Ashley.

"Say, you kids haven't spotted a girl about your age roaming around. have you? " he asked. " no we haven't " said Cameron.

"well just let me know if you see something suspicious, here's my number "he said as he handed me a piece of paper with his number on it. "By the way I'm officer parks and u are .."
"Caleb "
"Ashley "
"Cameron "
"Tasha "

"Who is this girl that you are looking for exactly " asked Cameron. I immediately hinted on what he was trying to do. "Yes, who is she"

"Her name is Emma and she killed her father, like every cop is on the lookout for her, it's the talk of the town." He said. "Well I'll see you around "

"Guys this thing is really serious " said Ashley

1:20 PM

"I have an idea, why don't we check all the child care's in the town. Maybe we might find her brother " said Tasha

"But how can we check allll the child care's, I mean it would take a lot of time to go through alll the child care's. " said Cameron

"There are only two of child care's in the whole town silly" said Ashley. "But we are going tomorrow right, cause am tired and hungry "said Cameron

"Dude you're always tired and hungry " I said, Cameron just has an amazing personality.
"Then we can ask Jason to take us " said Tasha "perfect "

"C'mon let's go back for lunch "said Ashley "finally " said Cameron

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2020 ⏰

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