chapter 3: failed event

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I skipped the hero training because Adam would make it last five seconds. plus I can't think of a good way for things to happen so I hope you don't mind.

time skip to the day of the USJ attack

narrator pov

everyone was in a training room flat on their backs and breathing heavily well except for fenikkusu who sat on the ground waiting for everyone to get up.

fenikkusu"'so how long am I going to need to wait?'"he asked 

Charlotte-"how are you not tired?"she asked not bothering to look at him

eri-"did you forget the fact that fens quirk is literally dependant on his energy"she says as she props herself on a wall"also he does this on on a daily basis so this is nothing to him"she says as fenikkusu smiles"also fen why don't you ever use your quirk to help us recover?"she asked(yes he has the ability to do that)

fenikkusu-"'if I did that then how are you going to improve your recovery time especially you eri '"he says pointing at her

eri-"hey I'm getting better!"she yelled"I'll only pass out for half a day now"she said crossing her arms

fenikkusu-"that's still half a day of me having to look after you while your unctions and you and I both know I can't do that"He says pointing at her

may"what do you mean you've been using your ability this enter time and you don't seem tired"she says

fenikkusu-"'that's because using this flame is like second nature to me so it doesn't take as much effort to make it and the energy it takes is so small that it basically takes nothing to make and maintain it'"he says pointing at the purple and white flame before making a normal fire"' and while yes this is just a normal flame this one still takes energy to make'"he says before it disappears.

Charlotte-"ok that makes scene and- wait wheres izuku?"she asked getting up and looking around

eri-"she's in the garden"she says

Charlotte-"why is she there?"she asked

fenikkusu-"'she finds it easier to recover her strength when surrounded by life'"he says

may-"she really is a plant isn't she"she said

eri,fenikkusu-"'yes'"they say in unison

after a wile of chatting fenikkusus face seems surprised before becoming a grin.

eri-"what is it fen?"she asked

fenikkusu-"'one of my duplicates just bumped into someone who is planing to attack the USJ of UA and just kinda told it all the information and-'"he was cut off

Charlotte-"YOU HAVE CLONES JUST RUNNING ABOUT AND YOUR NOT TIERED HOW THE FUCK DO YOU DO THAT!"she yells causing fenikkusu to grab his ears

fenikkusu-"'well just running about doesn't really cut it anymore so I made some clones to do my job while I train and as I was about to say I want me, eri and izuku to spy on the heroes rather than attack them so that we know what they are capable of and as a bonus we will see what the villains can do as well'"he says pointing at eri and then at the door

everyone looked and saw izuku

izuku-"that sounds like a good idea but if I feel or hear one plant hurt I'm killing the one who did it ok?"she said as fenikkusu and eri nodded

may-"shouldn't you ask kai if you can go?"she said looking at izuku

izuku-"he's not here and is away on a trip to talk with someone so for now I'm the one in charge also if we somehow get caught then tell kai that we are going to be late coming home and not to worry and go on a killing spree"she says pointing at may and Charlotte"so fen when is this thing happening?"she asked

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