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It was midnight when Ernest was stirred by a small thud. Ernest had been living with Maven for about a week now but she was still incredibly fragile.

Maven would try to stimulate her legs by placing her on the ground and telling her to walk to him. His attempts were futile since the little wolf would merely go back to sleep.

Ernest gave a slow yawn as she opened her eyes but found out that she was alone on the bed. Her head tilted, perplexed, and tried to find Maven, to no avail.

Suddenly, she heard another crash. Terrified for Maven, she scooted to the edge of the bed and jumped off, her legs giving up on her. She barked heartedly, though it sounded weak, she still hoped that she could save Maven.

Maven barged in the room, with only his boxers, his eyes softening when he saw Honey trying her best to crawl closer to him as she howled with all her might.

Keisha only had a blanket to cover her as she peeked from behind Maven. "What's going on?"

Maven disregarded her as he picked Honey up and gave her a small peck on her head. "Look at my tough girl," he cooed.

He gave Keisha a small glance. "I think she thought I was in danger because of all the noises we made," he chuckled softly, giving Keisha a teasing grin.

Keisha blushed. "You're the one who wanted to do it on the kitchen," she muttered.

Maven drifted his attention back to Honey that was nibbling on his finger cutely. "Such a good pup." He raised her to his head level and his puppy gave his nose a small lick, her tail wagging gently. "You even jumped off the bed for daddy's sake, hm?" he murmured.

Honey yipped in confirmation.

"Look at you! Jumping off beds already. You're growing too fast, Baby."

Ernest didn't understand who the woman is or why she was naked but she was thoroughly enjoying all the attention Maven was giving her. She basked in his attention, unaware of the piercing daggers she was receiving.

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