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I woke up to my brother, Sebastian, and his girlfriend, Amaya, fighting like no other. Since living in a huge bomb shelter, the government assigns us with our partners. You could get someone you love and know or get paired with someone from a sector. If you're a female, you go to the male's sector. Thankfully we've known Amaya forever, they just disagree about normal things. I walked outside our room, and laid on the bench. My brother didn't notice so I was left in peace. I put my arm over my face and tried to fall asleep for a couple more hours before class. I felt a hand touch my arm and I jumped. A man with a cigarette between his lips smirked at me.
"You alright?"
I sat up and went to walk to my room, I don't talk to the Bandit sector.
"Princess, I can hear the screaming from here. So, come sit with me."
"Why so you can steal something from me? Maybe rape me?"
I said walking towards him. The man stood with a stern face. He backed me into a wall and put his hands on either side of my face.
"Just because I'm in the Bandit Sector, does not mean I degrade women. Or steal from them."
He put his hand on the side of my face and smirked.
"You're cute for a gardener."
I kept eye contact and felt safe, but his face went stern again.
"Make sure you know who you're talking to before you make assumptions that are false Princess."
He backed away and continued his walk down the hallway. I sat back on the bench and put my head in my hands. Sebastian came out of the room and sat next to me.
"You're getting matched today, aren't you?"
"Turned 19 last week, and got a message last night to report to HQ. So I think so bub."
"I hope you stay a Gardener, you were born to take care of the farm."
"I know, but it doesn't mean my match is. I'm just worried about the job I'm going to get."
Sebastian put his arm around me.
"So was Amaya, but she ended up being one of the best planters. So if you get taken from our sector, try your best to do your best."
"I will Seb."
"Do you know the time you're supposed to visit?"
"Oh shit, 15 minutes."
I ran to our room and got dressed in my red match dress. I quickly braided my hair and ran to HQ. I stood outside the door and knocked gently. Mr. Abbot opened the door with a smile.
"Evelyn Caspian, good to see you. Come sit."
I sat in a chair in the middle of the room and Mr. Abbot smiled.
"Your job is now seamstress."
"Wait... I thought there was a test and..."
"When you're matched into a different sector, the test isn't necessary Ms. Caspian."
I put my head down and nodded.
"So, Mr. Elder is your match my dear."
"Elder? The Bandit HQ's son?"
"Why of course, he's coming in soon. So be ready to go to your new home."
I nodded and put my head down, only to hear another door open.
"Mr. Elder, great to see you lad. Ms. Caspian has been dictated your match. So I'll leave you guys to go home."
Mr. Abbot left and I stood, the guy from this morning stood in front of me.
"Nice to see you again Princess, let's go."
He held his hand out and I crossed my arms.
"Princess, let's not start off like this."
"This is a mistake."
Mr. Elder came to be and gently put his hands on the sides on my face. He wiped a tear that had fallen and smiled lightly.
"We both know they never make mistakes Princess, now come on. My father is waiting to meet you."
He gently grabbed my hand and interlaced our fingers. Pulling me from the matching room. I put my other hand on his bicep as we walked, staying close to him.
"You're afraid, why?"
"You don't hear the stories I do."
"My father is the leader over hear, do you think they'd leave a horrible person in charge. Don't get me wrong, there are some bad people. Thankfully, your with a good person."
I looked down and Mr. Elder opened the door.
"Malcolm, how was the matching? Where's the gorgeous lady?"
I shut the door and Mr. Elder smiled.
"Ms. Caspian, it is so nice to meet you."
Mr. Elder shook my hand and I smiled.
"You can call me Evelyn."
Mr. Elder smiled and Malcolm, I think, grabbed my hand.
"I'm going to take her to my room father, we'll be up for dinner."
"Alright Malcolm."
Malcolm led me through hallways and all the sudden I got cat called. Malcolm stopped and turned towards the guy.
"This is my girl, touch or whistle at her again, you will loose your tongue."
Everyone shied away and Malcolm got to a room at the very end of the hallway. He opened it and I walked in first. The whole room was black with red accents, I walked around until I felt a hand on my waist.
"Evelyn, are you okay?"
"I got taken from my home and given a job I don't know how to do. So yeah, I guess."
I said sarcastically and sat on the bed.
"Princess... I know this isn't ideal for you. I'm aware you don't like this situation, but I'm here for you."
He kissed my hair and walked to a separate room.
"Would you like to shower princess?"
I laid back and thought.
"I'm okay."
I felt a hand rest on my open thigh through the slit in my dress.
"Princess, come shower. You know what is going to happen in a week."
I covered my face and was picked up like a bride. He set me on the counter top and held me.
I hummed in response.
"Will you get in the shower with me? I won't touch you in any sexual way, I just feel like it's a good way for you to be comfortable for the coming week."
Malcolm kisses my bare shoulder and pulled me from the counter top. He turned me around and unzipped my dress.
"Would you like me to get in the shower and you can join me?"
I nodded and he stripped behind me. I pulled my dress down as he shut the shower door. I sighed at the thought of all this.
"Yes princess?"
"I'm scared."
"Of what?"
"This... whole thing."
"Come in here, I'll show you that you don't need to be afraid of anything."
I opened the shower door and Malcolm's back was turned to me.
"Do you want me to turn around Princess?"
I touched his back and he turned. Putting his hand on my face.
"Well aren't you beautiful."
Malcolm looked down and pulled the hair tie from my braid, letting my hair lay in its natural state. I put my hands on Malcolms chest and he smiled.
"Are you comfortable Evelyn?"
"I think so."
He kissed my forehead then pulled me under the hot water.
"I'll get you female products soon Princess."
Malcolm ran shampoo through my hair and kissed my shoulder. I felt myself lean back and he wrapped his arms around my waist.
"Are you getting tired Evelyn?"
"You didn't sleep much last night did you?"
"No, Seb and Amaya have been fighting."
"What about?"
"Amaya hasn't gotten pregnant yet."
"Wait, the week after thing?"
"You're aloud to use a condom during that, Seb did. They've been together for a year. They've been trying and it's stressing them out."
"Would you like me to wear a condom?"
I nodded and I felt him smile on the skin of my shoulder.
He washed the shampoo from my hair and his then shut the shower off.
"I didn't put conditioner in, I would like you to curl your hair for dinner."
He said handing me a towel.
"Okay, but it's only noon."
"I assumed you'd like a nap."
I wrapped myself in a towel and nodded. We walked to the bedroom and Malcolm set a big tee shirt in my hands with lace underwear. I felt my cheeks get red and I put on the clothes he gave me. Then began to towel dry my hair, when I looked at Malcolm he was wearing nice clothes.
"Where are you going?"
"I have a meeting Princess."
"Oh, okay."
I turned and stared out his window. Bandit sector was like a town, except a dome cut us off from the outside. Malcolm wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close.
"Are you okay?"
"I'm tired."
I was swiftly picked up and laid on the soft bed. Malcolm covered me with the comforter and kissed my forehead.
"Well, you should rest then Princess."
"You're beautiful, I'll be back. Make sure you rest, and please don't leave here without me. I don't want you taken from me."
I nodded and he smiled, leaving the room. I allowed myself to get comfortable and I fell into a deep sleep.
I woke up to a body laying beside me, I sat up quickly and looked over.
"It's just me Princess, I thought I'd lay with you until we need to get ready."
I nodded and got close to him. He was extremely warm.
"You smell like smoke Malcolm."
"It's a cigarette, I smoked in the meeting."
"It'll hurt your lungs."
"The HQ makes them safe Princess, don't worry."
I nodded and drew on his covered chest.
"How was your nap?"
"Good, you scared me though."
"I know, I'm sorry. I tried not to wake you up. You looked so peaceful."
I continued drawing until he grabbed my hand, kissed my knuckle.
"I have a pretty red dress for you in our closet, you look gorgeous in red Evelyn."
I smiled and sat up.
"Close your eyes."
"Uh, I don't know about that princess."
"Trust me Malcolm, close you're eyes."
He closed his eyes and I kissed his cheek.
"Thank you."
I got up only for my hand to be grabbed, Malcolm pulled me into his lap.
"Now, you think imma just let you leave after kissing me."
I giggled and he smiled, moving hair from my face.
"Now how am I supposed to get you back?"
"You kiss me all the time, and I kissed you once. How's that bad?"
I sassily said and Malcolm smirked.
"You tried to leave after, thinking you can get away from me."
Malcolm began kissing all over my face and I giggled. He stopped at my lips.
"I have a special place for our first kiss, but you have to earn it."
"Just be good, it won't be hard. You're not one to be mean."
I nodded and he helped me up. I went to the bathroom and turned the curling iron on. I sectioned my hair off and began curling it. Malcolm walked in and sat on the counter. He bit into an apple and watched me.
"Take a bite sweetheart."
I took the apple and bit into it, watching him smile.
"I grew those."
"How do you know?"
"My apples are the reddest, sweetest, and juiciest in the orchard."
Malcolm jumped down and took my curling iron. He kissed my shoulder and curled my hair.
"I'm going to grab your dress and get in my suit princess."
I gave him his apple and curled the rest of my hair. I walked out and Malcolm covered my eyes.
"Stay in the bathroom, you should put light makeup on."
He turned me and moved me back into the bathroom.
"Silver or gold Malcolm?"
"Silver Princess."
I smiled and he left the bathroom. I put light make up on and smiled.
"Can I come out Malcolm?"
He came in shirtless and I stared at him. Feeling my cheeks get red.
"Yes you can come out, but only if you tell me what you're thinking."
He lifted my chin with his hand and smiled.
"You're handsome Malcolm."
He smiled and kissed my forehead.
"Thank you, now let's get you in that dress."
I took the big tee shirt off and pulled the dress up. I felt Malcolm zip the zipped on my butt and lower back. My back was completely open.
"Malcolm, this is tight and a lot for a dinner. I dunno how I feel about wearing something so tight. Malcolm..."
He put his thumb on my lips and smiled.
"You look absolutely gorgeous Evelyn, don't overthink."
"But Malcolm."
"But What Princess? Why're you stressed? You look gorgeous."
"Why're we so dressed up for dinner?"
"Over here, the higher up people have a weekly gathering to talk. It's always formal, this kind of formal."
I sat on the bed and Malcolm buttoned his shirt wrong. I stood and shakily did it correctly.
"It's okay to be nervous baby, this is all new."
I wrapped my arms around his waist and he held me.
"I'll keep you safe baby, will you tie my tie?"
I nodded and grabbed it from the tie and tried to tie it but he was so tall.
"Will you sit on the bed? I'm not tall enough to get it."
Malcolm chuckled and sat down, putting his hands on my waist.
"God you're beautiful Evelyn."
"And you're handsome Malcolm."
"Hey, trust me."
"With what?"
"With the dress, and tonight."
I hugged and his neck, nodding.
"I'm glad I matched with you Evelyn. A lot of my buddies got stuck with women that were mean to them and rude to everyone. But you're so sweet, and I know you're scared. Though you haven't been mean to me, and haven't pushed me away."
I sat on Malcolm's lap and moved a curl from his forehead.
"I remember when Amaya, my brothers match, came to the house for the first time. She came from a poor family and was terrified to be touched. But she never lashed out, although I knew she wanted to. She excepted my brother, even though she wanted to run. I except you, even though you scare me. You come from a very powerful bloodline Malcolm, and I'm a farm girl who literally grew up in a garden. But, the government said we'd be perfect and I'm trusting their choice. I'm trusting you."
Malcolm pulled me closer and kissed my knuckles.
"I'm sorry I scare you, but you're comfortable right?"
"I mean I'm sitting in your lap by choice, I don't think it gets more comfortable."
Malcolm stood and straightened my dress.
"Would you button my vest princess?"
I nodded and buttoned his black vest, then helped him into his black coat.
"Sit on the bed for me."
I sat and he pulled silver shoes out. Carefully strapping them to my feet, he pulled a small box out with a dainty ring.
"This is my ring, for you."
I smiled and he slipped it on my ring finger. I stood and walked to my small purse from earlier, pulling a similar box out. I opened it and a silver band with 'my love' engraved on the top. I slid it on his finger and he smiled.
"My love?"
"Yes, Love."
"Oh, I like that."
We walked out and nobody was in the hallway.
"Where is everyone?"
"They all go to the town, while we have our formal dinner, they go party."
We walked through the silent hallway and I stopped.
"I know baby, trust me. I'll keep you close and we'll have a nice night."
I nodded and he pulled me close to kiss my temple. We walked further and Malcolm opened the door. A women instantly pulled me into a hug.
"So you're my sons match, oh how lovely. You're gorgeous honey."
"Thank you."
Malcolm held my hand and I calmed.
"Malcolm, they did you good bub."
"Where's Mavis and Maverick?"
"Mavis is dancing, and Maverick is with Adelaide."
I saw my best friend come up, and we hugged each other tightly. I noticed her baby bump.
"Eve, holy crap."
"I didn't know you came here, and the baby?"
"No one did, no one knows where you go if you leave the sector. I know, we're hoping for a boy."
"Wait, Sebastian doesn't know?"
"No, they cannot know we matched with a strong bloodline."
Malcolm hugged me from behind and kissed my shoulder.
"He knows you have a match and knows that you're safe. The government sends letters to all families telling them. It's okay."
I nodded and tried to relax, save my sadness for later.
"Can I have a dance princess? Before dinner?"
I nodded and he led me to the open floor where everyone was dancing.
"Baby, you're upset."
"Seb doesn't know where I am."
"I know, but it's for our safety. Last person to know that knew their child matched with one of us, killed them. It's for my safety along with my families."
I nodded and laid my head on his chest, feeling him set his cheek on my head. We danced and I felt another hand on my back, a smaller hand. I turned and saw a little girl.
"Well hi there."
"Your bubbys match, I'm Mavis."
"Yes I am, I'm Evelyn."
I squatted down and she smiled.
"I love your dress Mavis, it's a very good color on you."
"Thank you, will you help me get a cookie?"
She whispered and Malcolm laughed. I picked her up and walked to the dessert table, giving her a cookie.
"Is that good?"
"Yes, thank you. My bubby has a good match, you're pretty and help me steal cookies."
"Alright, go eat it. I'm going to talk to Malcolm."
She ran off and I felt my hand get picked up.
"That was amazing baby, come sit with me."
We sat at a long table and Adelaide smiled at me. We ate and Malcolm grabbed my hand.
"Tomorrow night, I'm going to take you to our spot."
I smiled and the dinner ended. Malcolm led us back to our room and I stretched. I took off the shoes and walked to the bathroom. Taking my makeup off.
"Yes princess?"
"Can I shower? I have a bunch of hairspray in my hair."
"Can I join? I have gel in mine."
I nodded and slipped my ring off. Setting it in a bowl. He did the same and I turned, unbuttoning his shirt.
"You make me want to kiss you Evelyn."
"Why don't you?"
"I want your first kiss to be in my special spot."
"And yours?"
"It'll be mine too, but I've seen it many times."
I nodded and touched his face.
"Why don't we tonight? Why wait?"
He smiled and nodded. He undid his belt and set it on the ground.
"Turn around beautiful."
I turned and he ran his fingers down my back. Unzipping the dress and removing the straps from my shoulders.
"Get in the shower baby, I'll put our clothes in the hamper."
I nodded and stripped the rest of the way down. I got in the shower and got my hair wet. Undoing the curls and knots in my hair. I felt hands on my hips and Malcolm kiss my shoulder up my bicep.
"So simple, yet so sexy."
He whispered and put my hands to my sides.
"Someone's in a mood."
"Your fault."
He kissed behind my ear and washed my hair. He shut the shower off and wrapped me in a towel.
"I have a big sweatshirt, leggings, and sneakers on the bed for you. I'm going to take care of myself."
I giggled and nodded. Putting on the clothes he set out for me. I opened the window and stared at the lights. It was beautiful in its own way. I heard Malcolm getting dressed and I turned.
"So, where are we going?"
He smirked and looked at me.
"Somewhere we have to be very quiet at and very careful."
He pulled my hood up and pulled his up. He opened his window more and threw his leg over.
"Malcolm, don't fall."
I grabbed his arm and he held me close.
"You trust me, right?"
"Of course?"
"Straddle me."
"R-right now?"
"Yes baby."
I put my leg over his shakily and grabbed his sweatshirt. We're going to die.

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