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Malcolm put his hands gently on the sides of my face.
"Alright, I'm going to need you to wrap your arms tightly around my neck. Then lock your ankles around my waist. Can you do that?"
"Baby, don't look down. Keep your face in my shoulder, I'm not letting you climb because you're scared. Deep breath."
I took a deep breath and he kissed my cheek.
"Let's go."
I wrapped my arms around him and locked my ankles behind his back. He stepped onto a platform and lifted me up lightly.
"Hold tightly baby, I'll keep you safe."
He cracked the window and began climbing. Five minutes up, he stepped on another platform.
"About five more minutes baby, your shaking."
"I'm scared Malcolm."
"I know, it'll be worth it. If I'm honest, down is worse."
I leaned back and he smiled, kissing my cheek again.
"Ready? Don't look down, okay?"
"Good Girl."
He whispered and gently pushed my head back into his shoulder. He climbed again and I felt him stop and kiss my shoulder.
"You're doing good princess."
He climbed more and I heard a plate move. He climbed through it and shifted it back.
"You can turn around baby."
I looked up and he pulled my hood down. I looked around and heard birds. Saw the sky.
"Malcolm. Where are we?"
"Outside, and I know you'll think it's dangerous. But I've been up here since I was 14, I'm not sick. So just enjoy it."
I moved and looked behind us. Seeing the real sun, it was setting.
"Malcolm, the sun. It's beautiful."
"The night of next week, I'm going to show you the stars. I know next week will stress you out, but I promise you'll see the stars."
"Yes beautiful?"
"It's so beautiful."
The sky was pink, orange, and red, absolutely beautiful. Malcolm turned my face back to him and pulled my hips closer with his other hand.
"I've been dreaming of bringing my match up here since I discovered this, and you don't know how beautiful you look looking at that sunset."
I smiled and he leaned in closer kissing me gently. I kissed back, loving the moment. He pulled away and kissed down my jaw to my neck.
"God I love kissing you."
He whispered and nipped at my collar bone. I jumped and he chuckled.
"Turn around baby, watch."
He put me between his legs and held me. We watched the sun go down and he pulled my hood back up.
"This'll be scarier, but I hope it's worth it."
"It is."
I got back on his lap and kissed him one more time.
"Oh, now I can kiss you whenever."
He whispered and I pulled his hood up.
"Clear mind, I want to be alive."
He moved the plate and pushed my head down.
"It's scary baby, keep close."
I nodded and he adjusted me. Beginning the climb down, five minutes down he stood on the platform.
"How are you?"
"Kiss me baby."
I leaned back and he saw tears in my eyes.
"You're that afraid Evelyn?"
"I looked down, I think I'm having a panic attack Malcolm."
He kissed me and set my back in the bricks.
"Shhhhh baby, I'll get you home. Hug me tight, and keep your eyes closed."
I did as he asked and he climbed down. I heard the window open and Malcolm shut it behind him.
"We have to get these clothes off, just because we're okay. Doesn't mean others will be, so let me help you out of them. He pulled all my clothes off and left me naked, then did himself. Throwing the clothes in the fire place. He threw sweatpants on and came to me. Slipping a big shirt of his over my head and handing me underwear. I shakily slid them on and he picked me back up.
"Now, why did you look down?"
He sat on the bed with me straddling him.
"I looked up and the city, because it's pretty. Then you stopped for a second, I looked down and got scared."
"Baby, it's okay. We're safe now, Alright?"
I nodded and he picked my hands up, kissing my knuckles.
"Hey princess, would you like to watch a movie, play a board game, how about music?"
"All of the above?"
I giggled out and he smiled. Malcolm picked me up and walked around the room, picking stuff out.
"Choose a movie baby."
I looked through them and saw a variety of movies.
"There's so many."
Malcolm kissed my jaw and grabbed a movie.
"You'll choose the board game, I'll turn music on."
He set me down and told me where the games were. I laid on the floor, looking under the bed at the games. Choosing Battleship and I sat up to Malcolm smiling at me.
"You know, you're beautiful in my big tee shirt."
I smiled and stood setting the game on the bed.
"And your handsome in sweatpants."
Malcolm turned and played music.
"It's called 'Talking to the Moon' by Bruno Mars."
He sat on the bed and we set the game up. We played and I put my hair in a ponytail.
"Evelyn, you're lying."
"Or you're just really bad."
"Oh really?"
"I have one more ship Malcolm, and you have three. A2."
I laughed and watched him smirk.
"This isn't fair Princess."
"Not my fault your bad, just so happens I'm going to win."
"Nope, A3."
"Fuck. Sink you win, now show me your god damn board."
I turned it and he looked at me.
"How, in the hell."
I giggled and shut the board. I stood and shut the music off, turning the tv on. Malcolm stood behind me and pulled my hair from the ponytail.
"I am a sore loser baby."
"Uh oh, what's gonna happen?"
Malcolm picked me up and threw me on the bed. He started the movie and crawled on top of me. Holding my hands above my head, and smiling.
"God damn, Evelyn you're so beautiful baby."
"So this is what happens when you're mad about loosing?"
"Nope, you're earning a hickey."
He moved his hand and held my wrists with one, pulling the collar of my shirt down and leaning down. Malcolm kissed my collar bone, then began sucking. I took a sharp breath, not used to this foreign feeling. I tried to pull my hands away and Malcolm nipped my skin.
He hummed, still working on the hickey.
"Let my hands go, please."
He pulled away and looked up at me. His eyes were almost black, but I wasn't scared.
"Why Babygirl?"
He smiled and leaned to the other side. He slowly let my hands go and I put one in his hair. The other I left up and interlocked our fingers. He stopped and kissed his way to my lips. Stopping and laying his forehead on mine, he was out of breath like me.
"Babygirl, you're intoxicating."
I shut my eyes and caught my breath.
"You're so beautiful."
He whispered and got off of me, pressing play on the movie.
"Would you like the fan on?"
I nodded and he turned a knob, the fan blew cold air on me. Malcolm sat on the end of the bed and watched the TV. Probably trying to o collect himself.
"Hey Evelyn, tomorrow I have meetings all day. You'll start your job, and be here most the day. Don't worry, I'll make sure you get out."
He said looking back at me.
"Okay, what's your job Malcolm?"
"Same as my dads, I'll run the Bandit Sector."
I nodded and watched the TV. I sat up, realizing Malcom hadn't laid with me. I sat behind him and kissed his back. Then up his neck.
"Are you okay Malcolm?"
"Yes baby, stressed about work."
"Want to talk about it?"
"Lots of meetings, lots of problems."
I kissed the back of his neck and he relaxed.
"Baby, you're good a that."
"At what?"
"Getting me to relax."
I smiled and sat next to him. He put his arm around me, kissing my temple.
"What're we watching?"
"In the Heart of The Sea."
I nodded and got a cold chill. Malcolm picked me up and we cuddled in bed. He pulled the comforter over us and I looked up. He looked hot.
"Hey, you look hot Malcolm."
"I usually don't sleep with sweats on, I produce a lot of body heat."
"You can take them off Malcolm."
"Are you sure?"
"Of course."
He took the sweats off and through them on the floor.
"Thank you baby."
I smiled and got closer to him.
"Thank you for showing me the sun."
I whispered, falling to sleep slowly.
"Thank you for trusting me to take you there princess."
He chuckled and hummed in response.
He scooted down the bed and pulled me closer. Lifting my chin and lightly kissing me.
"Goodnight beautiful."
He turned the lamp off and he kissed my forehead.
"You make me happy Evelyn."
I fell asleep to him playing with my hair.
I woke up hearing an alarm clock, Malcolm leaned over. Turning it off, and I groaned.
"Baby, time to wake up."
I laid on top of him and got picked up.
"Baby, I'm twice your size in muscle. Let's shower and get ready for the day."
He started the shower and set me on the counter. He moved hair from my face and kissed my forehead.
"Open those pretty eyes princess. Don't make me turn the shower cold, I will."
I opened my eyes and got dizzy.
"Hey, what's wrong?"
"Dizzy, I'm okay. I just need breakfast."
"It'll be out there after our shower, let's get in."
He pulled my shirt off and kissed both the marks he left. He picked me up and pulled my underwear off, setting me in the cold water. He slipped his underwear off and pushed me in the water.
"Malcolm, holy fuck."
I shivered and he turned it hot.
"Now your body is shocked awake baby."
I whispered and felt him lift my chin.
"Evelyn, please don't cuss. I don't want those pretty lips using fowl words."
He captured my lips and smiled.
"Thank you baby."
I smiled and washed my hair. Then turned around, and Malcolm touched me.
"Evelyn. Don't move."
He left and came back.
"This is going to hurt, but trust me."
I felt a burning sensation and I cried out. Malcolm left and came back again, and held me.
"You had a bug on you, it's called a tick. I killed it then burned you to make sure it wouldn't make you sick."
I cried and Malcolm finished bathing me. He wrapped me in a towel and picked me up. He put sweats on and kept me in a towel. Malcolm held me and fed me fruit as I cried.
"Baby, shhhhhhh."
I finally calmed and sniffled.
"Yes baby."
"Is that why you have a couple burn marks on you?"
"Yes, next time I promise to put a shit ton of layers on you. Not just a sweatshirt."
I nodded and he bit into an apple and held it to my lips. I took a bite and stood from his lap.
"Lemme see princess."
He gave me the towel to hold over my front and dabbed something on the scar. Then kissed up my spine.
"I'm so sorry Evelyn, can you forgive me?"
I turned around hugged him.
"Thank you for getting it off me."
"Of course, now lets get ready for work."
He led me to the closet and gave me a pale blue sweater, leggings, and slip on vans. He put on a button up and nice jeans on.
"So how is it fair that I get to look like a granny and you look like a boss?"
I laughed out and slid my bra on.
"Well, you have to sit in one place for a long time. I have meetings with the government."
I put my sweater on, leggings, and shoes. He must feel awful getting matched with someone whose position doesn't matter.
"What're you thinking?"
"Oh nothing."
I walked to the bathroom and put mascara on. Malcolm leaned against the doorframe with crossed arms.
"Evelyn, what're you thinking?"
"Nothing, just trying to get ready for work."
I almost walked past him when he grabbed my hand.
"You're a bad liar baby, talk to me."
"You're stuck with me, someone whose job is irrelevant. While you're the boss."
I was instantly picked up and my back was lightly placed on the wall.
"Babygirl, who do you think makes all the clothes for the little kids? Your clothes are going to be worn in every sector. That's extremely important baby, just like being a gardener."
I looked down, only for Malcolm to lift my chin.
"Princess, you're as important as me. Please, don't ever think your job puts you in a lower status. Yes my job makes me look higher, but baby I'm just like you."
I nodded and he kissed me again.
"I'm sorry."
"Don't be Evelyn, I understand why you'd think that."
He set me down and I hugged around his waist.
"Alright, let's go to work."
He held my hand and we walked out of the room. He locked the door behind us and we walked to the work area.
"Yours is the first door baby, I'll come pick you up when work is over."
"Okay, have a good day Malcolm."
He kissed me and kissed my forehead.
"Have a good first day Evelyn."
I walked in and Adelaide ran up to me.
"Heck yes, you're a seamstress."
"Care to explain?"
"Alright, so we're all assigned kids and their measurements. We make the clothes and put our symbol on it. Everyone's symbol is different and something that means a lot to you. So right now, draw your symbol."
I smiled and drew a simple sunset. Adelaide smiled and put the image through a machine then in a file.
"There ya go, all you gotta do when you finish a piece is type your name in. It'll automatically print where the tag should be."
I smiled and the rest of the workday went smoothly. Everyone started leaving, but I waited for Malcolm. Knowing that it was probably a good thing. An hour went by and I decided maybe he was already home. I walked out, trying to keep to myself. I got to our room and opened the door, he wasn't here. I sat on the bed with my head in my hands, fuck. The door opened and Malcolm entered with a sigh of relief.
"Malcolm I'm so sorry..."
"Shhhhhh it's okay. I'm just glad you're here. I'm sorry I was late."
I hugged him and he picked me up.
"So sorry baby, the meeting ran long."
"I'm sorry I didn't wait."
"How was work?"
"Good, I made my symbol. Started sewing clothes, it was kinda fun."
"What's your symbol?"
"A sunset."
Malcolm put me on his lap and hugged me.
"It's our little secret baby."
"So how was work for you?"
"Meetings, more meetings, paper work, and thought about you. Can I check your back princess?"
I stood in front of him and he pulled my sweatshirt up.
"Princess, let's clean it up."
He pulled my sweatshirt off and carried me to the bathroom.
"Now, this is going to burn babygirl. I want you to know that it's okay, and it'll go away."
He poured something over my back and I screamed. Malcolm put something over it and held me.
"Shhhhh I know baby."
He rocked me and kissed me.
"It won't get infected now, I'm sorry baby."
"It's okay."
He brought me to the seat at the end of the bed and took my shoes off.
"Wanna wear a thermal of mine baby?"
He smiled and changed into sweatpants before he gave me a thermal. He took a washcloth and wipes my make off then helped me change.
"Are we gonna have to do that again?"
"No babygirl, I cleaned it. Only watching it now."
I hugged him and he picked me up. I'm glad I have him.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2020 ⏰

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