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To my surprise, a familiar face entered the room. I couldn't figure out who he was but I know I met him somewhere. He stood in front of the class, looking so confident and neat. I was impressed. "Go ahead and introduce yourself, Dear." said Ms. Kwon. The transferee cleared his throat twice and said "Good morning, everybody! My name is Huang Zi Tao but I prefer to be called Tao. I'm Chinese but I would love to learn the traditions of Korea. Please look upon me with kindness!". Then, it hit me! The transferee was Tao. The guy who lives in the same building as me. The guy I met this morning. "Tao, you can sit at the vacant seat in front of Sehun." said Ms. Kwon while pointing at the seat in front of me. Tao looked over at my direction and I smiled at him, hoping that he remembers me from this morning. Tao walked over to the vacant seat and he slightly waved at me. "What a coincidence. You study here too." murmured Tao while sitting on his seat.

The lesson was normal. Tao blended in with the class. He's not shy and likes to chat with the students surrounding him. I rather think that he's a chatterbox. Ms. Kwon ended the lesson and walked out the classroom. The whole class started murmuring then it turned to chattering and eventually turned into a market. It was noisy but that's how it is. Luhan went to the washroom so I'm alone. Tao turned back and offered me his snack. I declined and said "Thank you but no thanks.". Tao continued to eat his snack. "It sure is noisy here, huh?" Tao said. I nodded, "You'll have to get used to it. This class is the most noisiest in the whole campus. I pity you for ending up here.". Tao shook his head and said "Don't pity me! I'm happy to be here. Noisy is alright for me. And anyway, you're here! So, I know somebody.". I'm happy to know that someone appreciates my existence. "Speaking of, was that your mother from this morning?", I said curiously. Tao took a minute before he could answer, probably thinking. "Ah! Yes, that's my mom. I literally can't live without her. Hahaha!", Tao laughed at the thought. I joined in as well. I thought he was independent from the looks of his face. I thought wrong, he was a teenage girl inside. After minutes of chatting, the bell rang. Indicating the start of the second period. "Talk with you later, Sehun." Tao said while turning his direction towards the front. I murmured a 'later' and I opened my book for the upcoming lesson.

To be honest, Tao is very kind and genuine. I like those kind of people. I think genuine people are caring and open. Tao is very open. He speaks his mind. It's just been minutes since we've talked but I feel very close to him already. Frankly, I like to stare at his pitched black eyes. Its very attractive.

"Psst! How much longer till' we can dismiss?", Luhan questioned impatiently. I did a face palm and whispered "I don't know and I don't want to know. Check the clock yourself, Dumbo.". Luhan and I are very close to each other. We've been seatmates for quite a long time. He's Chinese. I nicknamed him 'Dumbo' because he's dumb, like me. While, he calls me 'Hun'. He said calling me by my real name is common so, he wanted to be the only one who calls me differently.

"You know, I don't welcome that transferee guy. He looks cool but at the same time, a weakling.", Luhan said quietly. Too quite, you can barely hear what he said. "That transferee has a name. And what makes you think he's a weakling?", I replied defensivly. "Wow. Calm down, Hun. I'm not saying anything bad. No need to be defensive about it. What's with you?", Luhan furrowed his eyebrows. I sighed and apologized. It was actually wrong to say such thing about Tao. But why am I so justificated? Its maybe because I think Tao is kind-hearted and innocent. I just realized, I think about Tao a lot today. This was absolutely impractical.

It's now PE. Jesus knows how much I despise this subject. All the running and panting is disgraceful, in my perspective. We were asked to do laps. I wanted to sleep. We kept running. Someone tapped my shoulder, looking back it was Tao. He looks fine and obviously not exhausted. How does he manage to run 7 laps without looking like an insane old man down the alley. "You're tired? C'mon! It's just 3 more." Tao cheered. I laughed and caught up to him. After a couple of minutes, Tao slowed. He was walking towards different directions, his legs were looking weak and wobbly. I ran towards him, "Hey! Tao. You alright? You need to rest. Come on.", and just then, he fainted.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2014 ⏰

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