Chapter 3: Rosie?

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I stood up quickly, my tentacles whipped around; I looked at myself in the mirror. Sexual Offenderman smiled at me slightly. “So what are you going to do about this?” “I am going to try and stop this.” I whispered softly. I quickly walked outside.

                Sexual Offenderman jumped into the air, grabbing a nearby tree and hung from it. “Do you even know where the damn park is?” He asked me. I glared at him. “Of course I do.” I whispered. I looked up at the sky, it was getting darker. “What would he be doing at an abandon park when it is getting darker?” I whispered. Sexual Offenderman shrugged slightly. “How am I supposed to know?” He whispered. “You’re his cousin you asshole.” I looked up at him, glaring. He laughed half heartily.

                He quickly swung to another tree. “I am just going to stay up here till it gets a little darker.” He said while sitting in a tree. “Good, I don’t want you near me.” I hissed loudly. My tentacles were in my back so no one can see them.  S.O laughed softly and waited for me to go farther up the road before jumping from tree to tree. “You have a hat, why don’t you just tip it down so no one see your face?” I asked him out loud. I kept my attention ahead of me. “Because it’s creepy to see man with their hat tilted all the way down.”

                I rolled my eyes. “I am so going to kill Slender.” I whispered to myself. “Yeah good luck with that.” Said S.O as he leaned against a tree trunk up in the tree. I glared, looking up at him. He was picking his teeth with his sharp finger nail. “Fuck you. With a rusty crowbar, in the asshole sideways.” I hissed. He laughed loudly and almost fell out of the tree. “Your cute I hope you know that.” He said while holding on the tree branch. He pulled himself back into the tree.

                “Fuck you.” I whispered while walking again. “Where the fuck am I going anyways?” I asked while looking back at him. S.O shrugged slightly. “You’re as useful as a sack of potatoes...” I whispered. He chuckled and used his tentacles to hang from the trees as he swung from tree to tree. Sexual Offenderman slowly landed next to me, looking around. “Seems dark enough for me to walk around.”

                “You’re such a creepier.” I whispered towards him. “Thanks,” He said while grabbing his hat and bowing slightly. “I take that as a complement.” “Yeah, well don’t.” I hissed at him. He laughed softly and I closed my eyes slightly. “Anyways are we almost there yet?” I asked. “Hey you two there.” Sexual Offenderman tilted his head down so that the hat was covering most of his face except his mouth, which was curling into an evil smirk.

                We both spun around to see five men standing there, some with bats, others with guns. “This can’t be good.” I whispered towards him. “You two love birds, empty everything you have onto the ground right now.” Said the leader as he held out a gun. I looked over towards Sexual Offenderman, he had a plan. “You might not like this idea, but it’s the only thing I have.” He said while chuckling.

                Sexual Offenderman walked behind me, I blinked slightly as I lifted my hands slowly. “What the fuck are you doing?” I asked while glaring slightly. Suddenly he lifted my shirt completely off my body. My eyes widen greatly. “Oh no you didn’t!” I screamed at him as I covered myself. Sexual Offenderman chuckled deeply. The five guys stared at me; one of them licked his lips slowly. “New plan, you give us the girl and you can go.” Said the leader. “HA! You fucking wish!” I called out towards him.

                Suddenly I felt a dark aura around me, it spread towards the guys. I shivered greatly and grunted loudly. “I don’t think you are making a smart choice there, there is only suppose to be one sex offender. And that’s me.” Said Sexual Offenderman as he walked in front of me.

                His mouth was wide open and showing off his sharp teeth. “This is the part where you run and I kill you.” “I don’t think so!” shouted one of the guys. The men who had guns fired at Sexual Offenderman. Black liquid splattered all over me. My eyes widen as Sexual Offenderman fell to the ground. “Oh no…” I whispered softly. They pointed the gun at me, they fired.

                There was a hissing noise as a figure stood in front of me. It was Slenderman. My eyes filled up with tears of joy. I looked up at him. He growled deeply at the men. “Hurting my friends isn’t a good thing to do.” He walked towards the men; he stopped right next to Sexual Offenderman.

                “Are you alright?” he asked S.O. “Yeah, just great.” He jumped up, chuckling softly. “I just like to pretend to be dead.” S.O looked over at Slender who was shaking his head. “She could have been killed dumbass.” Said Slender. “I know, that is why I allowed you to take the hit, I was already hit.” He opened his trench coat to show off his bloody chest.

                Slender just shook his head again and sighed softly. He turned his attention towards the other guys. “Right, back to you guys.” He whispered as his tentacles, or tendrils as some people call them, whipped around. I shivered slightly and stood there waiting for something to happen.

                There was a booming sound and Slender turned in a quick pace, the bullet went flying towards the people. Sexual Offenderman growled deeply and ran towards one of them, picking one up by the throat and slamming him against the wall quickly. He smiled evilly as he opened his mouth wide and shoved the man’s face into his mouth. Sexual Offenderman snapped his mouth shut on the man’s face. There was a lot of sick ripping noises coming as he ripped the skin clean off his face. I stood there too shocked to move.

                Sexual Offenderman dropped the man and turned towards the others. Slender was working his way towards another. He had one wrapped so tightly in his tendrils that it was snapping every bone in the dude’s body. He looked over at me, “I suggest you close your eyes.” He whispered softly, I nodded softly and closed my eyes tightly. Trying to block out the screams of pain, the sounds of ripping skin tearing through my ears. I covered my ears and sobbed quietly.

                I snapped my eyes open to see Slender completely bloody, this form of him… I have never seen him before. He was thinner, taller, his hands were tendrils, his face was thin, bearing a creepy screaming mouth, dripping with that black goop. He had tentacles that whipped around him, at least 50 of them. My eyes widen greatly and I fainted into darkness. I saw the real Slenderman…

                When I opened my eyes slowly, I see that I was in the park; Rosie was over me, trying to wake me up. My tentacles were gone; I sat up quickly and looked around. “Rosie?” She was crying. “What’s wrong Rosie?” I asked her, wrapping my arms tightly around her. “I thought you were dead…” She whispered softly.

                I smiled softly and rubbed her head softly, “I won’t be leaving you anytime soon.” “That… that’s not what Slenderman told me…” My eyes snapped wide. “What…?” I whispered. “He said he has to take you away. He said you seen something about him and he has to take you away.” I slowly pulled away staring at her in shock. “You’re kidding me?” I asked her. She shook her head quickly. I stood up, looking around for Slenderman. “He is just kidding.” I smiled softly. Rosie shook her head. “Sexual Offenderman was there and he nodded in agreement. He said if I seen you that I had to tell you and that he is after you.” Rosie whispered.

                I shivered and looked down at Rosie. “I won’t be leaving you any time soon okay Rosie? Let’s go home before it gets too dark.” I took her hand and walked towards the large house on the left as quickly as possible. Who knew that the Abandon Park was so close to our house? Now I am worried that Slenderman was telling the truth, and he was after me to kill me. Just because I seen the true form of Slenderman… The real Slenderman.

Part 4 coming soon.

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