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Beauty is extraordinary,
It melts solid hearts,
And sublimate it.

Condense it,
and solidify it again,
What a wonderful fact.

Some say:

Beauty is like the moon,
It looks much better at night

Some say:
Beauty is on the skin,
So it gets attention.

Some say:
Beauty isn't about looks,
But the person inside.

Some say:
Beauty is like a book,
Dont judge it by its cover.

Some say:
Beauty is like a fruit,
You'll never know the sweetest to choose.

Some say:
Beauty is like a plant,
Some are beautiful but are poisonous.

Some say:
Beauty is like rose,
Only the special ones grow in winter.

Some say:

Beauty is like cutting onions,
You need to cry to see it.

Some say:
Beauty is like choosing,
You only need few sometimes.

Some say:
Beauty is like weather,
Its not everyday that the sun shines.

Beauty is a pleasing feature,
To both mind and sense.......
Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.

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