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Bai Feng woke with a start as her body seemed to burn like flame and her whole body seemed to be encased in an inky blackness. "Where am I?" she asked quietly, tripping over a rock reminiscent of the one that slashed her palm moments ago.  "Is this a dream?"

"Little flower...little flower." Came a frightful tone, " Flower are you there?" loud as thunder, and deep as the wild sea. Fengjiu couldn't help but cower in fear as an uneasy feeling overcame her senses. "Why have you hidden from me?"

"Hidden from you? What do you mean? " she asked again, seeking out the one who called her, "Where are you?" she stopped when a beautiful woman seemed to materialize before her.

"Little Flower..." it coaxed, elegant fingers reaching to grasp her, " Have you forgotten me?"

"What do you mean? Who are you?"

"I am you, and you are me," said the strong voice, "A Shadow of what once was and still can be."

"I don't understand."

"Come to me, and you will see." The voice called urgently. Reaching her fingers towards the beautiful woman, something chimed in the back of FengJiu's mind. 

"Huh", thought Fengiu, startled that her body seemed to lose its rhythm, and stormy waters seemed to take over her soul.  "What on earth?" A haunting melody filled her senses as. Plumes of red smoke seemed to snake out of the darkness, caressing Fengiu, soothing her, making her feel stronger.  It was both frighting and exhilarating as she slowly became engulfed by the red smoke. 

"Yes thats it," she heard, her mind seeming to get numb "Come closer, so I can touch you, so I can teach you...the meaning of true power the lies beneath your skin."

Fengjiu closed her eyes, a small look of bliss on her face as her eyelids became heavy, and she at last felt as if she was where she should be, or would have had a blinding blue light not interrupted her connection.

"Stop!" She heard the familiar voice, strong, rich, demanding, the voice of one not used to being ignored. "Do not let the smoke control you.  Jiuer!"

Fengiu eyes shot open as a wash of cold water seemed to freeze her in place and a piercing pain ripped through the last of her connection. 

"Ahh!" Cried Fengiu, holding her body as a thousand needles seemed to pierce her skin, and the crystal blue sword hovered before her body. "Canghi?"

She thought, startled as a hazy image appeared in the inky blackness, a tall man, swift and strong with eyes as blue as the ocean and hair as bright as the moon. "Is that..." she whispered, sucking in a breath as the hazy image soon became clear and sharp.

"Donghua." Bai Feng whispered quietly, her face pale as the figure slashed through hundreds and thousands of bodies, leaving a trail of blood beneath his feet. Never had she seen such a deadly look in his face. Soon a striking man with sharp eyebrows and long black hair revealed itself. "Yehua?" she whispered, then taking a look once again, "No... " she whispered, " Mo Yuan?"

"Yes," a voice called, "This is an image from long ago, when the demon uprising nearly destroyed the world twice over. The battle was long and harsh and millions of souls died, god and man a like, even more so then battle of Roshui from so many years ago. Times were harsh than and the needed light had not yet appeared. Three great sacrifices were needed to stop the war filled with death to no end."

"Three sacrifices..." trailed the young princess, Bai Feng did not understand at first, but as she reflected on the most recent goings in her present life. "Are you saying..."

After a long pause, the voice rang out loud an clear once again.

"Yes," whispered the haunting voice, "Of these three, there are two that you know quite well. The Donghai bell, a powerful artifact that required a powerful spirit to seal or quell the spirit of the vilest soul, the phoenix heart to scatter the darkness and start the world anew, and loss of love to tame the passionate fury of the strongest soul." a pause, "Tell me little you know what this means?

"" stuttered the young queen, though a dawning of understanding seemed to appear behind her eyes.

"The Donghai bell has been destroyed,the strongest soul has weakened, the light has appeared, and the calamity that threatens the world has begun to move..." after along pause, " Your role, little flower, has come into play."

"No. No, " Cried the young princess, " My role? What do you mean?"

"The phoenix blade is calling for it's master, and you little flower, must light it's way."

With that the darkness seemed to fade,and Bai Feng cried out as her essence seemed to melt away, and every inch of her body turn to Ash. Never in her 30,000 something years of life had she ever experienced such pain, not when the pagoda beast slashed her, the phoenix nearly killed her, Su Yin wounded her, or she took the full brunt of the Demon Lord's power to protect Donghua.

Bai Feng bit her lip as a shining tear fell from her eye. The unbearable heat had been calmed and thousands of images filled her mind. Images of what once was and what can became into play. Her purpose had been found, and her dear Donghua had guided the way. Bai Feng just smiled, as her burning body began to cool and a bright red gem appeared on her forehead. "I understand."

"Huh!" gasped the young queen. She was back and her body felt much stronger than before. Grabbing the mirror to her side, Bai Feng looked at her appearance to see the half closed flower mark on her forehead had appeared to bloom.

"Majesty!" cried the beloved Migu as he attempted to embrace her.

"No!" cried the princess, putting her hand out in efforts to stop him, a fiery light bursting out of her palm.

"Princess!" he exclaimed in surprise,  barely managing to avoid the power  she had accidentally sent his way. "What happened?"


"She's ascended," came the familiar voice of Si Ming. "Congratulations once again, high immortal Bai FengJiu." he said, bowing slightly.

"Si Ming, what are your doing here?"

"His majesty Dong hua, requests your presence," he said calmly.

Widening her eyes, Bai Feng willed her heart to stop it's wretched hopeful pounding. Donghua and her no longer had anything to do with each other, so why was he requesting her presence? She hadn't talked to the ancient deity once since Yehua had been taken from their home three years ago, though she had indeed been tempted. With all he had told her on their last acquaintance, why would he be summoning her?

I don't understand, she thought silently, but her words came out, "I understand, please tell his majesty I will meet with him shortly."

"His majesty Donghua Dijun requests your presence immediately." emphasized the lord of dipper.

" But father..."

Silently the familiar blue cloaked figure slipped out behind the silver clad figure. Clearing his throat, he gave her an almost proud look. "The manner has been addressed, " quietly the man put his hands behind his back and gave a slight bow. "Though your power is strong, your discipline is lacking, do not keep the Dijun waiting any longer."

"Of course," bowing slightly, Bai Fengjiu than turned her attention to the lord of dipper.

"Little hinus," he said, bowing slightly and the young princess nodded before turning around to retrieve the blood stained map. Fengiu gasped as she suddenly felt a shock of energy flow through her body.  "Little hinus?" asked the star lord in concern and Fengiu shook her head before grabbing onto his pre offered arm.

"I'm fine," she whispered, "We mustn't keep the emperor waiting any longer right?"

"Right," responded Siming in return, unable to get over the uneasy feeling that seemed to creep into his heart.


And that's that.  I haven't quite decided what route I should go with this yet.  Should I go the route of unexpected complications, or the typical send you to the mortal realm with a special tool to guide you.  Although, I suppose, if I wanted to transition into the pillow book, it might be best to go with the latter.  Maybe you can offer suggestions?

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