Chapter 1

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The first thing Percy saw when he woke up was a curly blonde haired woman with her head on his chest. The former Son of Poseidon then tried to get up, but the woman hugged him tighter and said, "Don't you dare, Logan. I am comfortable."

"Come on Wise Girl," Percy said with a soft smile on his face. "One of us has to get Laura up for school."

The woman then got up with a sigh and said, "I know, I just don't want you to get hurt."

"Annabeth, you know that I can heal in a matter of seconds," Percy said, kissing her forehead. "Now come on, we need to wake Laura up."

Annabeth nodded and as she was in the doorway of the bathroom, turned to her husband and said, "Please go wake her up while I take a shower."

"I was already on it my dear," Percy replied as he put a pair of jeans and a plaid shirt on and walked towards his daughter's room. When he arrived, he opened the door, walked in and shook Laura's shoulder. "Laura... Get up."

"I don't want to Dad," Laura muttered trying to shake her father's hand off her shoulder.

Percy sighed and said, "Laura, if you don't get up then I'll cut your hair with my claws."

Laura immediately shot up and said, "I'm up! I'm up!"

Percy chuckled and said, "I knew that, that will be the thing to get you up."

After leaving his daughter's room, the ex-Son of Poseidon went to the kitchen and began to cook breakfast, before Laura walked in and sat at the table.

"You ready for your first day of high school?" Percy asked his daughter.

"No, but I doubt that you'd allow me to stay home today," Laura stated as Percy nodded in agreement. "By the way, a girl about 15 walked up to me the other day and asked me if I knew where a Percy Jackson was..."

Percy tensed up and asked, "What did you tell them?"

"Exactly what you told me in case I ever saw someone like that," Laura said. "I said, "I never heard of Percy Jackson before", but I doubt that she believed me... What are you going to tell mom?"

"That they are close by and to have constant vigilance," Percy replied, his eyes gaining a feral look to them. "I also give you permission to use your claws for any monster attacks and if the Hunters attack you first."

Laura perked up and said, "Really?"

Percy nodded and said, "But do not underestimate them. They are the most dangerous part of my old life. Even if you do have my healing and claws, you can still be overwhelmed."

Laura nodded and Annabeth walked into the kitchen, her blonde hair smelling of pomegranates and her grey eyes filled with intelligence and love for her husband and daughter.

"Hello Wise Girl," Percy said with a smile. "You smell nice."

Annabeth smiled and kissed her husband on his cheek, before saying, "I bet you say that to all the girls, Logan."

"Only the ones I love," Percy replied before kissing her on the cheek and then putting the food on the table.

After they ate and Percy arrived at the lumber mill, he smelt goat.

"You are a hard man to find," a familiar voice said.

Percy gave a low growl and said, "Underwood... What do you want?"

"Your help," Grover said. "Camp is falling apart and we need you."

"Should've thought of that before banishing me for life," Percy retorted, causing the satyr to flinch. "Now leave, before I kill you and then destroy whatever you're reborn as."

Percy then walked away from one of his many ex-friends and towards work and a male with blue eyes and blonde hair said, "What did the faun want?"

"Just wanted me to return," Percy replied. "You ready Captain?"

The man rolled his eyes and said, "I can't believe that I told you about being in the military."

"We're friends, Jason, and always will be," Percy said with a low chuckle. "Lets get to work."

Jason just shook his head and the two began getting to work, before Jason said, "I know that this is all of a sudden, but it's been awhile since our families had dinner together. Would you mind coming over tomorrow night?"

"Let me guess, Piper put you up to it?" Percy asked as after using a chainsaw on a tree.

Jason nodded as he used an axe and began to chop the tree into smaller parts, before saying, "Yeah... But it still would be nice to have some company over."

"I'd have to ask Wise Girl about it," Percy told his friend. "But I'm almost certain that she'll say yes."

When Percy got home hours later, he told his wife that Jason invited them over for dinner tomorrow and Annabeth said, "It has been awhile since we had dinner with the Rogers... Tell them that we'll be there by 9."

Percy smiled, before asking, "So where's Laura? I thought that she'd be here already."

"Spending the night at a friend's place," Annabeth replied, walking up to her husband. "Now you have me all night, Mr. Howlett, how does it feel?"

"Like our first night," Percy replied, kissing his wife, before they ate and he carried Annabeth to the bedroom where he closed the door.

Time skip

Jason opened the front door and said, "Logan! Annabeth! Laura! Come on in you three."

"Hi Uncle J," Laura said with a small smile. "How have you been?"

"I've been good," Jason replied, ruffling his niece's hair. "James is out back on the trampoline if you want to hang out with Laura, and Piper is in the kitchen, Annabeth."

Laura immediately ran towards the back door and Annabeth went to the kitchen while the two men stayed and Jason said, "Anything I should know about?"

"My past is catching up to me, Jason," Percy told him. "My daughter was approached by Artemis's Lt. I don't want my family dragged into this mess. You already know all about it due to meeting Nico Di Angelo and was forced into this world. Think you can handle a battle against the Hunters of Artemis?"

"Let me get my shield and I'll be perfectly fine," Jason said, but Percy stopped him and said, "No. Not yet. We'll wait until tomorrow morning to find them and demand answers as to why they're looking for Percy Jackson."

"Alright," Jason said before the two men went to the kitchen to get a beer.

"You do know that if your son asks my daughter out, I'll be giving him a real good talk," Percy told the veteran soldier.

"I do," Jason replied.


"Just don't kill my son."

"I'll try not to, but if he breaks her heart, I'm killing him and then feeding him to the wolves."


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