Late Nights - Blink

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Submitted by BRITISH_AUTHOR6, Sorry It's short, ideas are kinda running dry 👉👈 qwq


Blue woke up with a start, soul racing. He turned to his sleeping fiance, hesitantly saying his name.


The painter hummed sleepily in response, cracking open a multicolored eye. Currently, Ink was wearing a light brown t-shirt and dark grey shorts- the most comfortable thing he owned. And the easiest to throw on. The skeleton beside him stuttered for a moment, rubbing his baby blue eyes, "J-just seeing if you were awake."

"What's the matter?" Ink asked, noticing how shaky Blueberry was at the moment and growing concerned. The small skeleton didn't reply.

Ink sighed and smiled softly, "nightmare again?" Blue nodded, fiddling with the bottom of his light grey shirt, embarrassed, as it seemed. The taller opened his arms, inviting his significant other into a hug. The smaller quickly accepted, resting his head on the others sternum. Ink hummed in content, wrapping his arm around Blue.

Before Blue knew it, his breathing had slowed to a calm pace once again, as he cuddled up to his fiancé.


185 words

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2020 ⏰

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