Chapter 1

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Delilah's POV

Thirty-five miles southeast of Atlanta and prone to never-ending hazy weather lies a small town named Covington — otherwise known as my home. With a growing population of three thousand and forty-seven people, it is no secret that I despise Covington. I sat motionless on the edge of my queen size bed; aimlessly staring out of my curtainless window as the sun began to ascend up from behind the flourished hills of Covington. Senior year. What could go wrong? 

"Delilah! Are you up? You're going to be late!" My grandmother's voice drifted faintly up from below. 

With one final glance into the elaborate antique mirror situated above my mahogany wood dresser and a faint smile playing on my lips — I grabbed my satchel and headed downstairs. The kitchen was quiet and the delectable smell of freshly brewed coffee clouded my senses as soon as I reached the end of the cherrywood staircase. 

"Morning, Grams." I greeted, perching myself up onto the singular bar stool situated in front of the kitchen island. 

"Good morning, dear," My grandmother grinned. "I hope you're hungry."

"Not really," I said, resting my forearms onto the granite top of the kitchen island. "I wouldn't say no to some coffee though."

I found myself gazing at my grandmother in awe as she withdrew a white coffee mug from the cabinet above the stove and filled the mug to it's brim with heated, black liquid. My grandmother was not only young, but also breathtakingly beautiful. Her chocolate brown hair angelically cascaded over her shoulders and her light olive skin didn't possess a single blemish. I often pondered as to what her secret behind staying in such great shape was. Pilates? Jazzercise? God only knows. 

"Senior year, huh?" My grandmother enquired with a smirk, and then placed the filled mug of coffee down in front of me.

"Senior year." I unenthusiastically replied, engulfing my small, lukewarm hands around the heated porcelain figure.

"You don't seem too excited."

"Should I be?" I mumbled, slowly bringing the edge of the mug up to my lips.

"Oh, come on!" She hollered. "Senior year is the best year of your entire high school career."

"Whatever you say, Grams." I chuckled, taking a small sip of the hot beverage.

"Oh, you're no fun," She teased. "Do you need a ride? I can drop you off on my way to work."

I shook my head in response as I placed the mug back down onto the countertop and swiftly hopped off the bar stool.

"No thanks, I'm meeting Phoebe." I said, flinging my satchel onto my shoulder. "I'll probably go home with her too, so, don't wait up." I quickly added, giving my grandmother a light peck on her cheek before turning in the front door's direction.

"Stay out of trouble." 

"Don't I always?" I nonchalantly questioned, making a hasty exit out the door. 

It wasn't until I had left the warm, comforting walls of my grandmother's house when I realised how chilly it was outside. Winter was still in the process of melting into Spring and the gale force winds weren't exactly much of a contribution. Instinctively, I tugged the sleeves of my jumper over my hands in an attempt to keep them warm as I trudged down our driveway.  


Just as I reached the sidewalk, I jerked my head reflexively in the direction of the sharp voice calling my name. Even before I could catch a glimpse of who it was, I already knew. The tight, overwhelming embrace that I was now captured in was more than enough to give it away. I contently smiled to myself and immediately wrapped my arms around my best friend's slim torso. 

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