Thomas and his sister

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My mom sipped her coffee, she pulled out a book with no cover, odd, but I didn't want to ask questions. I kissed her cheek and rushed to the counter as a boy and girl walked in.

The boy was average height and amazingly cute, I tried not to stare and focused my gaze on the girl. She was a little shorter than him, but still taller than me. She had on a loose flannel over a white tank top and tight blue jeans. She had curls neatly pulled back into a ponytail.

The boy smiled at me, I blushed, my mind raced and I leaned awkwardly against the counter. He approached me confidently, he wore a jacket over a blue shirt and dark jeans. His eyes were a brilliant green and his brown curls rested nicely and framed his face perfectly. I opened my mouth to speak, but my words wouldn't spill out.


"Can I get a water and two cinnamon buns?" He asked looking me straight in the eyes, I nodded and rushed to get his order. He watched me as I stumbled and almost spilt his drink.

"Shit." I mumbled giving him his order, he walked to a table and set down the water and food. He walked back- wait, I thought, why is he walking back? Oh jeez, this is so
.... What even is this? Cliche? Very, very cliche and I hate it.

"What's your name?" He asked, his.. girlfriend? Sister? Stared at him as she sat down fiddling with the water.

"U-um.. Mei?" I said nervously adjusting my shirt and hair, I must look terrible.

"Are you asking me?" He laughed, "I dunno, is that your name?" I was mentally facepalming so hard, I'd already failed and this guy already thinks I'm a loser.

"Yeah, sorry." I shake my head laughing, "what's your name?"



"Should I be offended?" He smiled, wow, did I say something dumb? Yes, yes I did.

"No, not at all. It's a nice name." I said awkwardly shrugging. He laughed, was he laughing at me? My mind raced, what was I doing wrong? Probably everything.

"You should join us," he motioned towards the table and girl, I hesitated.

"Uh...sure." I said before following him back and sitting next to him in the booth. The girl looked at me and smiled kindly.

"This is my sister, Esbeydi," he gestured towards her and she waved.

"I'm Mei, you have a pretty name," I smiled at her and she laughed a little.

"Yeah I get that a lot, thank you, you're name is so pretty." She replied.

"So, Mei, are you usually this.. flustered?" Thomas said slightly chuckling.

"No, not at all," I laughed, looking at my hands, Thomas grinned.

"Well, sorry if I'm the cause," he looked at me and I shook my head.

"Nahh, I'm just weird," I shrug and run a hand through my hair.

"Any hobbies? Or are you just going to be mysterious barista." Esbeydi asked sinking her teeth into a cinnamon bun.

"Reading and being a mysterious barista," I say with a bad British accent. She smiled and wiped her mouth.

"And what's being a mystery barista like?" Thomas asked drawing my attention back to him.

"It's pretty quiet and peaceful until you get two movie star looking people walk in," I chuckle and look away, what was that? I thought internally cringing.

"Movie star looking people!?" Thomas scoffs flipping his curls flamboyantly.

"shut up," I giggle, he was really cute, like too cute, but why was he talking to me? "why are you movie star people talking to a mystery barista?"

"Well, mystery baristas are cute," Thomas flirted, Esbeydi shook her head ignoring him. I blushed like a dork and looked past him at my mom, she wasn't there, some cash was left. She must've gone home thinking I actually have friends. I sunk into the booth, fiddling with my hands.

"Not this one," I smiled nervously, my heart pounded in my chest and I crossed and uncrossed my legs. Esbeydi noticed and grinned to herself. Thomas smirked and looked me in the eye.

"Especially this one," he said holding my gaze. What is this? A movie? Was he about to kiss me? This is terrible, I wanted to run and dash out to my room, back to my red mark.

Thomas ate his cinnamon bun and checked the time, he frowned then looked back up at me.  "I gotta go," he smiled and winked at me, my stomach tied itself into a knot, damn, I hated being so vulnerable. Thomas walked out with a steady stride, Esbeydi stopped for a moment and turned back to me.

"I'm so sorry about him, he's so bad at flirting," she laughed, "but I think you're cool, I'll come by tomorrow, okay?" The confusion set in for a minute, she barely talked to me and she wants to hangout? I hesitated before thinking, screw it, I don't got much left to do.

"Sure," I smile, maybe my mom would be proud if I went out, exited my room for once. I chuckled to myself, Esbeydi slid out of the booth and handed me the cash. I watched her leave, she gave me an odd feeling, she seemed much more mysterious than the mysterious barista. I put the money in the register and grab the cash my mom left and call an Uber.

When I arrived home I couldn't stop thinking, Thomas and Esbeydi, what would they want with me? Were they going to murder me, I always joke about my life being like a movie, not that I actually wanted it to be one.

I dragged my feet through the hall and went to my room before collapsing on my bed. Thomas seemed like a total douche in disguise, maybe I read too many books, maybe he's a nice guy. Maybe I assume too much, my head raced with thoughts across every part of my brain.

As I started to fall asleep I rolled over and thought for a minute. Esbeydi seemed actually interested and interesting. Would she actually come tomorrow? I dozed off as my eyelids slowly got heavier.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2020 ⏰

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