Birthday Surprise (Peter x Jessi)

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Today is a special day for Jessi. It is her birthday. Thing is, not many really had any plans for a celebration of some sort, but that didn't let it bother the girl. She's not really one for parties anyway.

She sat somewhere in the park on a bench, just casually on her phone browsing through the dozens and dozens of birthday messages received from friends and such, when she heard footsteps coming her way.

She looked up from her phone, and saw her friend Dennis approaching from the gate, who appeared to have something behind his back.

"Hey there Jessi," Dennis greeted, waving at her from a distance. "Happy birthday!"

Jessi got up from the bench, and walked up to the boy, waving back. "Aw, thank you Dennis."

"You're welcome," replied Dennis. "Say, I got something for ya...well, two things really."

"You didn't have to..." Jessi murmured.

Dennis revealed two things from his back: a steaming coffee cup and a small present. "One's from me, the other's from Julie."

"Oooooh..." Jessi glanced at the two presents that stood before her. "What's in the cup?"

"Eh, not much really, just a cup of mocha I made for you," said Dennis, shrugging.

She took the cup into her hands, and took a sip.

"I mean, yeah, you make the best mocha for the entire city, soooo...figured you might wanna try mine. Probably not as good as yours, but..."

"My God Dennis, I've never tasted mocha this good before!" Jessi exclaimed.

"Wait, really?" Dennis scratched the back of his head.

"Seriously, yeah!" said Jessi, licking her lips. "It's so good! You gotta teach me how to do it!"

He blushed a little bit. "I-I'm flattered...yeah maybe I can give you a few hints, or something. Anyway, gotta go. Oh, and the cup's yours."

Jessi walked up to Dennis, lightly hugging him. "Aw thank you so much."

Dennis slowly hugged her back. "Again, you're always welcome."

She felt a slight vibration in her pocket, and pulled out her phone, breaking away from Dennis. She gasped in delight.

"A message from Peter??" she whispered to herself, squealing in delight.

Dennis chuckled lightly. He knew there was some chemistry going on between those two, and he was also very observant of Peter whenever the two of them were around Jessi.

"Well then, have a good day," Dennis waved, walking away in the other direction.

"See you later!" Jessi waved back, before turning back to her phone. She opened up the messages app on her phone, and looked at the new message.

Hey Jessi. Happy bday! 😊

Jessi placed a palm over her mouth, blushed lightly and giggled. "Awww..."

Aww thank u <3

U wanna hang?


Where can we go?

Mike's at noon?

I'll be there 😊



12:03, Mike's café

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