The fall

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It was just like any other day in your life the sun was out
Not a cloud to be seen. Life was perfect For you.
You had walked to the store to cashin you're lottery ticket you knew you wouldnt win but you always purchased them anyway. As you handed the ticket to the cashier his eyes widened 'miss you've won!'
Your eyes widened this isnt true
You peeked over the counter to see the computer he was right you did win.
'Holy shit!' You shouted my brother will be so
Happy. After filling out a few forms you ran quickly to tell your beloved brother

You pulled you're brothers shirt shoving the papers in his face he was doing dishes his eyes widened what are you going to do
With all this money? You stared at him for a moment well
'I can donate about twenty percent give you twenty percent and pay for mo-'
Your eyes widened as you felt a sharp pain in your stomache. You looked down to see you're brother had stabbed you with a kinfe he was washing
You took a few steps back your knee's shaking and your mouth agape 'yo-y-you just sta-' your brother
Put his finger to your lip. 'Dont act so suprised you greedy whore
That money should be mine i pay for most of this house!'
You felt your knee's ready to fall your brother pushed you over but by the time you should've hit the floor you kept falling. Further and further your brother dissolved into thin air as did everything around him all you could see was red.
You were still falling you turned your head to see pavement become closer and closer. Closing your eyes you braced yourself.
A sharp pain hit threw your spine making your body shake.

You got up slowly feeling for the knife it wasnt there. Nothing no blood no nothing.
You began feeling your body and turning i was never this thin my
Hips are too wide you thought. Turning around more you saw something
Black at the corner of your eye something on your but.
You felt around with your hands.... a tail holy shit you had a tail a spades tail.
Your eyes widened where am i what am i going to do is this a fever
Dream of course i didnt win the lottery. Your thoughts we're interupted by a hand on your shoulder. You turned to see a deer demon at least he looked like a deer. He had red hair with black ends aswell as deer like ears and antlers.
'Goodnight darling' he stabbed a knife into your stomache
'Not again' you mumbled making the man raise a brow before you fell to
The ground. You saw multiple demons sworm you like bee's
A women with blonde hair and rosy cheeks another women with white hair and gray skin. But they quickly became blobs of color as your vision blurred.
Another white and pink blob walked towards you know.
'Alastor you fuck head why'd you do that?!'
The gray haired girl shouted before you could hear what the man's excuse was everything went black.

You woke up to a bunch of bickering. Thank god it was a dream wait hold up.
You sat up quickly seeing the same people well things from earlier 'shhh she's awake' the white haired women shouted at everyone.
'Where am i?'
Everyone shared a worried glance except the man That stabbed you he looked extremly happy.
'Well dear you're in hell! My my arent you pretty look at those eyes haha why
I apologize for our first meeting allow me to-'
The white haired girl shouted the blonde wrapped her arm around here to
Help her calm down. 'Is this some kind of sick joke?' You questioned the room went still. 'Listen im charlie the blonde girl smiled at me this is vaggie she pointed at the white haired girl you clearly met alastor...... um this is angel dust she said pointing at the spider looking thingy and you are?
'Right um y.n spades.'
(Your last name will be changed for the story sorry)
You laughed ha um 'can i excuse myself?' Nobody answered so you stood up
And made your way towards the door. Just as you opened it

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