'We found love'

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We walked out jostling among students.Who on the Earth would say that so many students go out instead to go in cafeteria.Schoolyard is full with people who is sitting or on the grass or on the staris but nobady don't want to sit on the fence from the parking.They think that is some haunted place 'cause some girl had died there.I am not really interested in that story,probably 'cause I don't believe that it's haunted.She died over there,so what? Am I maybe gonna die if I sit there? It's not like I got some other choice..I don't want to sit on the grass and I don't want to sit on the stairs where are sitting school whores.

In our school we are separeted on classes.We have school whores,shool bad boys,assholes,nerds and us.We don't belong there,we are..Well we are us.

I look at Anna and she Is trying to find the spot on the grass.

-What are you doing?-I asked her trying not to laugh on her face when she saw that some couple sit where si she planing.

-Trying to find some spot.-she said like that is something obvious and shrug.

-But I founded the spot.-I simply said walking toward her.She is standing there with confused look on her face. -You're not coming?-I asked her when I sit on the cold fence.It's made from stone and I can feel how uneven surface huting my butt and legs.

She walk slowly and look at me like I'm crazy. -But that is hounted spot.

-Don't say me..You believe in that shit? -this couldn't be more ridiculous.She standing there with opened mouth trying to convince herself that she don't believe in that,and me sitting here trying not to laugh and holding cigarette.

-I don't..But...

-There's no but..If you want sit here or you can always sit on the grass and hang out with bugs.-I know how to convince her.She have fobia of bugs.I think that she had nightmares with them when she was small.

She sit next to me and we turned around to look at the parking.It's almost full.Some students love to have ride while lunch,so there are empty spaces.One is right in font of us.

I can feel how people are watching us.I know what are they  thinking.They think that we are crazy 'cause we are sitting here.It's like we are runing the memory on her.I don't eaven know what was her name.They said that the one who sit her will die soon after.

I don't believe in that.This is real life not some fairy tale with hounted spots and that shit.You can't be afraid if you want to live the life.When you are afraid you have limites and that is like a bird in cage.It doesen't  feel right..

-Is that Francis?-I heard Anna and look at her.She is holding cigarette with view nailed on the parking.I followed her look and saw him.

All in black with tight jeans and shirt which is showing his muscular arms with tattoos.He don't have much tattoos but his right forearm is covered with it.Maybe he have it in hidden places.That thought make me think abou his muscular body.I never saw him without shirt and I can just imagine that.

When I finish with my imagines I realized that he's walking in our direction.I nervously lick my lips and remember the way he kissed me.He is good kisser..What the hell is he doing here? He finished school..

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