Story 1: Harv's House

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When I went to Dodo Airlines, V/n Airport, I didn't expect that I could go to an island without using my Nook Miles ticket. Orville looked a bit shifty when he told me about it but I didn't think much of it. He was practically living on coffee, after all. Orville helped me lift my bag onto the plane and we took off.

"So, Harv's Island, is it?" Wilbur asked, making conversation.

"Yes, Photopia, please!" I said, staring out into the endless blue.

"Just one thing," he said. "Be quick, please. I don't usually say this but just trust me."

I paused. That was weird. And definitely not something to say to a customer.

"Why?" I asked.

"No reason," he replied, brushing the question off, and the rest of the journey was silent.

After twenty minutes, I could make out a silhouette of an island smaller than v/n. It looked a bit drizzly, but nicely decorated. There was a little fire lit under a sheet that was attached to a wooden house, which was much bigger than my own, but I had only moved to v/n a week ago.

"Here we are," said Wilbur, "just, take care, will you?"

I nodded, a bit weirded out. Photopia seemed nice enough, and that was further assured when I met Harv himself.

"So, brother/sister, do you know what you're doing here?" he said, in his strangely relaxing hippy voice. "Go ahead and take as many pictures as you want!"

I heaved open the heavy wooden door and gave him a little salute. Inside, I moved the furniture around ready for the guests to come. I invited Stu, Flora, Filbert, Francine and Alfonso, who all took seats and chatted. I made sure to take a lot of pictures until my Nook Phone was nearly full.

"Alright, it's time to go now," I sighed.

"Please, can we stay for ten more minutes?" begged Francine. "The furniture matches so well!"

"Maybe just a bit longer..." I said, "but only a bit, okay?"

At that moment, the grandfather clock in the corner chimed twelve.

"I should go now! It's lunch time!" I cried, but no one said anything. "Guys?"

They were stood and sat motionless, just there.

"I really have to go! Don't play games- it's not even funny!"

Again, no answer. I walked slowly up to Filbert. He was holding a cup of juice. I took it, thinking that would cause him to try and get it back, but he didn't.

"Okay, that's enough! I said enough!" I shouted, slightly scared. It wasn't helping when I tried to talk to Stu and he said nothing, but did the 'encouraging' emotion.

"This is getting creepy, do you hear me?!"

I tried the same with Flora but she did the same. I turned and tried to open the door but Alfonso blocked my way. It's not easy to move a crocodile, believe me.

"Alfonso! Great, you're awake! Please would you mind- Filbert? Yes, everyone wake up!" 

They did, and dragged their feet closer and closer to where I was quivering. I tried to dodge Stu's grasp, but fell right into Francine. She pulled me towards the clock, opening the little door and thrusting me forwards. I managed to kick back off the clock and into her. While the others were digesting what had happened, I scrambled to my feet and flung the door open.

They all banged on the wood behind me after I closed it and rattled the handle.

"Y/n?" Harv said, "what's going on?"

"I don't know," I gasped, pushing back on the door, "but they've gone crazy! You have to help me!"

"Here, I'll take the door, dude," he said, allowing me time to recover.

"Thank you!"

"I'm really sorry."

And that was the last thing I heard before I turned around to see Filbert holding a baseball bat over my head, Harv standing quietly behind the villagers, arms folded, smiling.

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