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      ⚠️ Cutting Involved⚠️

"Caleb's been talking to....Layla" I replied.
"Who's Layla?" He asked.
I took a deep breathe and said, "When I was 16, I had a boyfriend and I had a best friend called Layla Markelle. We would hang around all the time. She was 2 years older than me but I didn't care. My boyfriend was one year older than me. One day, I came home to.....noises.....in my room. I went inside and I saw my boyfriend fucking Layla...We haven't spoke since but she talks shit about me on Twitter and Insta. Caleb knows what she did too but now they're sexting.." Jaden had sorrow in his eyes and he quickly gave me a big comforting hug. His hugs were the best! They could cheer anyone up.
"I'm really sorry Cam. I didn't know.." He said.
"It's ok. Even Leah doesn't know. All she knows is that.....I've got depression and Anxiety....and I told her that he wasn't the right guy for me." I had tears in my eyes now so I quickly tried to wipe them away.
"It's okay to let out your emotions, Cam. It's only me here." Jaden said. I looked up at him and started balling. He kept me in a tight hug and then I soon fell to sleep. I woke up in my bed with a note beside me. I looked at it and it read:
I was gonna stay over but Caleb came in and saw me hugging you. He got angry and kicked me out. I'm sorry you had to go through all that. I'm genuinely so annoyed to know that you had to go through it. I wish you the best and when you wake up, please message me so that I can talk to you :)

-JayJay <3
I smiled and picked up my phone. I forgot that I was still logged into Caleb's account on Instagram so I had lots of messages on my phone from Layla that were meant for Caleb.
Caleb, wanna see each other irl soon?
Yeah 😏
Is Camila still her bitchy self?
Yeah she is and I wish she was never even born. She always starts stuff. I just don't want her in my life.

My eyes started to water as I read other messages.
I wish she killed herself.
Same she's a rude ass slut of a sister
You should make an excuse to kick her out.
....or an excuse for her to commit suicide 😊
You are so smart baby ;)

I started sobbing. I ran into my bathroom and slammed the door closed. I picked up my razor and broke it. I know had a blade in my hand. I had tears running down my face. I put the blade and my skin and cut my wrist. I did it multiple times, some deeper than others. There was now blood all over my arm and dripping onto the floor. I started banging my head on the door and then I heard someone run into my room.
"Cam?" I heard a familiar voice say. I stopped banging my head and now all you could hear was me crying. It was Jaden. He rushed into my bathroom and pulled me into a hug.

Jaden's pov:
I was lying in bed on my phone. I still can't believe she had to go through that. I was scrolling through Insta when I saw a video on Caleb's account. It was captioned 'lol you can hear Camila crying in the background. She shouted something like 'why does he hate me' idk who she's talking about but I want her to stop crying. Can @jadenhossler come over and shut her up. Thank you :)' The video was him posing and stuff. I quickly got out of bed and got dressed. I then rushed out of my house and ran to Camila's. I pushed the door open and ran to her room.
"Cam" I said. I heard banging on her bathroom door and I was worried. It suddenly stopped and all I heard was her crying. I quickly opened the door and saw Camila standing there, eyes puffy and red with tears running down her cheeks. I pulled her into a hug and then I noticed lots of blood in and around the sink. I then saw a blade on her counter.
"Cami, what did you do?" I asked, worriedly. She let go and I looked at her arm. She had big, deep slits in her arm that had blood gushing out. I started to panic because I didn't know what to do. I quickly picked up her phone from her bed and then I saw the messages. That made me so furious. I called the police and asked for an ambulance.
"911, what is your emergency?"
"I need an ambulance!"
"Okay sir. What happened?!"
"My....girlfriend! She saw messages from her brother planning to tell her to kill herself! Her arm is gushing with blood!"
"Ok what's the address sir?"
"**** ********* ******!"
"Okay an ambulance will be there right away!"
"Thankyou so much but please hurry! She's losing lots of blood!"
"They're nearly there son, they're about 5 minutes away!"
"Okay Thankyou!"
End of convo
When I finished calling the police I quickly got a towel and wrapped it around Camila's arm to try and stop the blood. As I was putting it on her arm, Caleb walked in.
"Why the fuck would you want your own sister to commit suicide!?" I shouted, anger in my eyes.
"I-I-How d-did you know I was talking about you Camila?" He asked, his arms shaking.
"It's called logging into your account dumbass! I know that you've been talking to Layla! After what she did to me! She still talks shit about me and now you're trying make an excuse for me to kill myself!" Camila exclaimed, still balling.
"I-I didn't know that you'd actually do it.." Caleb said.
"How the fuck am I not going to do it? I have depression and anxiety! Because of Layla! I changed my appearance! Because of Layla! I wear makeup! Because of Layla! I tried to kill myself! Because of you Caleb! Because if you!" She cried.
"Caleb! Why the fuck would you try and tell your own younger sister to fucking kill herself?!?" I shouted. Tears formed in his eyes.
"I'm sorry." He murmured.
"Caleb! Your sister tried to kill her self! BECAUSE. OF. YOU!"
"Ambulance is here." We all heard a woman say.
"She's in her ma'am." I said.

Camila pov:
Jaden was shouting at Caleb as they both had tears in their eyes.
"Caleb! Your sister tried to kill herself! BECAUSE. OF. YOU!" Jaden shouted. As he shouted that we heard a woman say that the ambulance was here.
"She's in here ma'am." Jaden said. 2 ladies came in and looked at Jaden's hands. They were covered in blood.
"What happened?" One of the ladies asked. Jaden looked at me so I nodded for him to tell the truth.
"Umm...Camila...umm...logged into her brothers account and saw that he was planning to tell her to kill herself. He was talking to her ex-best friend Layla. She...umm...she got a blade and started slitting her arm. Most of them are really deep." Jaden explained, tears running down his cheeks.
"Who's her brother who tried to plan it?" The other lady asked.
"I am..." Caleb responded. The second paramedic nodded and walked out of the room, holding Caleb's arm. The other paramedic walked over to me.
"Can I see the cuts?" The lady questioned. I nodded so she unwrapped the towel and looked at my arm.
"They're very deep, Camila. You'll need stitches, sweetie." She said. My eyes misted over and I just nodded.
"My names Krystal so if you need me whilst we're driving to the hospital, just say my name. That other lady's name is Liliana." Krystal explained. She held her hand out for me to hold on to. I held it and she pulled me up.
"Can Jaden come in the ambulance with me?" I asked. Krystal nodded so Jaden followed behind. Liliana cape into the van and said to Krystal "he said that he tried to impress Layla. He said he's sorry but I told him that if he does it again, he'll get arrested." She nodded and got into the back of the van still holding my hand and Jaden behind me. She put me onto the wheeled stretcher and Jaden got in and held my hand.
"You're gonna be okay Cam." He said rubbing my hand with his thumb. Krystal came over and put a bandage on my arm. Half way there, I fell to sleep.

1472 words

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