Chapter Two

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“Hey baby would you mind?” Gabbie asked me with a sweet smile. I knew it was fake through. 

“Oh babe you know I don’t.” I tell her with my own fake smile.

Like I was going to help her, after she pushed me down the stairs this morning. I had a nasty bruise wrapping around my ribs and it hurt to move.

I grabbed her hand, where a little scratch was on her skin, she had to have perfect skin….perfect everything. But I guess that’s not her fault, she was the daughter of The Evil Queen. 

“Flower gleam and glow. Let your power shine. Make the clock? Box? Fox? Shit! Sorry babe I don’t remember how the song goes.” I say with a evil smirk and innocent eyes.

Gabbie just huffs at me, knowing what’s going on. 

“Jack, I’m sorry about pushing you down the stairs.” Gabbie snarls out with a sneer on her face. 

“Oh thanks.” I snarl back to her, why did my girlfriend have to be such a bitch? But that’s what I get for living on the Isle of the lost.

It wasn’t my fault my mother decided to lock a girl in a tower and use her for 18 years. Why didn’t she just leave sooner?

“Will you help me now?” Gabbie said with a bite of her lower lip, trying to look seductive.

I smile pleasantly at her and lean closer to her. Making her think she had an affect on me, little did she know.

“Of course sweetie,” I say while placing a kiss on her left cheek, her eyes closing and a soft real smile comes on her face, “just not right now.” I finish while leaning away from her and smiling.

She opens her eyes in a glare at me, but I couldn’t care less.

“I have to go.” I tell her before turning away and walking to the boys and I’s secret hideout.

When I get there, I throw a rock at the sign that says “Watch out for flying rocks!” and a caged door opens up.

I walk into it and the door closes behind me. I then walk up the stairs. When I get to the top I see Daniel and Jonah already there.

Jonah placing everything he stole, so far today, on a table. Daniel reading over Jafar’s spellbook, even though he couldn’t do magic here.

“Hey guys!” I shout with a smile on my face. Daniel and Jonah smiling back at me. 

“Hey Jack!” They both shout back to me. I walk over to the couch, and take a seat.

“How was your date with Gabbie?” Daniel said with a teasing smile, knowing it was bad. 

I rool my eyes. "You already know.”

“You and Tate still going out?” Daniel asked Jonah.

Jonah smirked, and we knew the answer. They were good fuck buddies and went on dates every once in a while.

“You know that’s complicated.” Jonah said with a chuckle. Making Daniel and I laugh as well. We could alway be ourselves around each other.

“Boys, come to Mother Gothel’s house NOW!” We hear from the communction box we had in our hideout. We all look at each other and sigh, here we go.

We walk down the stairs and out of our hideout, making our way to my house.

“Were here!” I shout out. 

“COME TO THE LIVING ROOM!” My mother shouted out to me.

We walk into the living room and see all of our parents there with evil smiles.

“What’s happening?” I ask with distaste in my voice. 

“You are going to Auradon.” My mother says, excitment coming off her voice in waves.

“Like hell I am!” I shout. There was no way I was going there, I barely fit in here. How was I supposed to there?

“You watch your mouth.” My mother said, but there was pride both in her eyes and voice. I just roll my eyes.

“You all will be going to Auradon, so you can steal the wand of the Fairy Godmother. It will be powerful enough to break the barrier and set us all free. Villains will raise and take over the world!” Jafar cried out.

During his speak he had jump onto of the coffee table and finish with his hands throw up and wide over his head.

I look over at Daniel, “Overkill much.” I mouth over to him, making him smile and laugh before quickly turning it into a cough.

“You leave now.” Captain Hook said with a nasty grin. 

“WHAT!” Daniel, Jonah, and I all shout.

“Yep! Come give mommy a hug.” My mother said.

I knew there was double meaning to it though. I slowly walk over to her and wrap my arms around her.

“Give me one before you go.” My mother said with a disgusting glint in her eyes.

I look down with a sigh. “Flower gleam and glow. Let your power shine. Make the clock reverse. Bring back what once was mine. what once was mine.” I finish in a steady singing voice.

My mother breathing in deeply and her skin unwrinkles itself.

“Happy Mother.” I spit out at her.

I hated how she only used me to stay young. A sharp sting to my cheek is what I get. Mother had slapped me. Jafar and Captain Hook grinning down at me.

“You will not speak to me that way.” My mother snaps. 

“Leave.” Jafar say darkely. Daniel and Jonah having their goodbyes being of ugly words and threats.

“And if you don’t get the wand! Don’t come home at all!” Captain Hook shouted out before the door shut to my house, leaving us outside.

That sounded wonderful! A limo pulled up then. Daniel, Jonah, and I all looking shocked. 

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