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It was around 12:00 that night when I got off of from work. It was a tiring Busy night at the restaurant and all I wanted to do was plop onto my bed and fall fast asleep. However when I made it home what I saw gave me a boost of energy. There was a car already sitting in my driveway. I squinted, trying to identify it, but it was too dark to see anything properly. I gripped my key's, ready to defend myself, as I left my car. My heart pounded loudly in my chest as I crept toward my front door. Nothing. I reached out to test the door handle, It was unlocked I realized feeling sick. I opened the door slowly trying to keep my breath calm. I looked around not seeing anything out of the ordinary. That was until I heard a faint sniffle. I jumped, wielding my key's like a knife, and looked into the living room. I sighed knowing that bleach blonde hair anywhere. It was only my best friend Jack. "Damn it Jack, you just about gave me a heart attack" I said laughing. But my laugh quickly faded when he turned to face me revealing tears and bright red eyes and nose. "I' sorry," he whimpered, "I didn't mean to scare you. *sniff*...I..I need... I need a place to stay for a little while." I dropped my key's on the nearest table and rushed over to comfort him. "You are always welcome here," I said rubbing his back, "what happened?" He looked down at his hands and took a deep breath. "She cheated on me. I got home and found her and some other man in our room," he said softly. I almost couldn't hear him. He had been living with his girlfriend for a few months now. I never liked her very much but she had made him happy so I had just kind of let it go. "That bitch" I cursed making him jump slightly. With one final sniff he looked up at me with a soft smile. Somehow even with tear stains and red eyes and nose he was still the most handsome man I had ever seen. His chocolate brown eyes began searching mine, what was he looking for?Then without warning he leaned in kissing me passionately. I didn't react at first but after a second I melted into the kiss pulling him towards me. Soon we were laying down on the couch with him on top of me. Our lips moved together perfectly as if they were made for each other. I dug my fingers into his soft hair. i wasn't sure what had gotten into him, but to be completely honest I didn't care. The moment of passion ended as quickly as it started. He pulled away almost as if being pulled back into reality. "I....I..I'm so sorry....I'm just gonna....I'm just gonna head to bed," he stuttered rushing off to the guest bedroom. I couldn't keep the disappointment from my face as he left. I reached up touching my lips, the phantom feeling of his still lingered there. Blindly I walked back to my bedroom and laid down. My mind churned trying to understand what had just happened.

It was 3:00, I couldn't sleep. Unanswered questions swam through my head. My stomach churned as the scene from earlier kept playing back over and over. I decided to go get some coffee to keep me awake since I clearly wasn't going to bed anytime soon. I could work on my writing maybe? That was if I could even think. I got out of bed shivering. Why was it so fucking cold? I grabbed my Black Veil Brides hoodie from my bedpost slinging it over my head. I gently opened my door and creeped out into the hall doing my best not to step on a creaky board, just in case Jack was actually asleep. But it was pointless, I learned when I got to the kitchen. There he was, shirtless, standing in the kitchen. I couldn't help but stare at his bare chest, damn he was hot. *Ahem* he coughed, I didn't realize he knew I was there. "Like what you see?" He asked with a smirk. I blushed and decided to change the subject. "You look better" I blurted out sounding more flustered than I had meant to. He did look significantly better. The tear stains and redness were now gone leaving just his typical beautiful face. "Yeah, I don't know why I was so emotional. I guess I was just shocked. I wasn't even in love with her." He chuckled to himself and then looked back at me. "I've actually been in love with someone else for quite a while now," he smirked again leaving me breathless. That stupid little smirk drawing my attention to his lips. Those lips that had felt so good against mine. He stepped closer to me. I took a step back. I knew that if he did this I wouldn't be able to resist him. Did I really want to risk my friendship with him like this? He stepped toward me once again. Yes, I thought, yes I do want to do this with him. I stepped forward. Soon we were mere inches away from each other. He grabbed my hand, lacing his fingers through mine. He looked at me, his eyes shining gold in the light. "I love you Y/N" he whispered leaning in to close the gap. I couldn't quite believe this was happening. I broke the kiss, I had something to say. "I love you too Jack. I have loved you ever since I met you. A smile lit up his face soon turning mischievous. Still holding my hand he began to tug me towards the couch where this all began. The scene seemed to repeat itself as he laid on top of me kissing me passionately. My arms reaching up and wrapping around his neck, fingers finding their way into his hair. This time was different though. He let go of my hand and began to slide his hands under my shirt. He broke the kiss in order to take it off, then quickly resumed kissing me as soon as it was gone. Things would have escalated further, but the doorbell rang making both of us bolt upright. He looked at me apologetically, "I'll get it you put your shirt back on," he said sounding just as disappointed as I felt. he disappeared into the foyer leaving me scrambling to find the shirt he threw across the room. "Fuck!" He said loudly. I didn't understand it until I heard the door open and a feminine voice drifted into the room. "Jack please..." I heard her say. "Please leave, you are not welcome here. Tomorrow I expect you to pack your bags and leave. If you aren't out of my place by tomorrow evening I will pack your things for you" he basically growled the words. I could tell he was trying to stay calm but I wouldn't be so nice. I decided to leave my shirt off in order to prove a point. I walked towards the open door, by bare stomach feeling the cold air. She looked at me horrified. Jack seeing her expression looked back at me. He smirked realizing what I was doing. "What the fuck is this Jack?" She asked her expression turning to anger. "What do you mean?" He asked innocently. "Are you cheating on me?" Her face turned red. "No of course not. We broke up remember?" He turned back to look at me. I walked forward and wrapped my arms around his waist. Her face was bright red as she stormed off. "Thank you", he said smiling at me. I stood on my tip toes and gave him a little peck on the lips. "I'm gonna head to bed now, I'm exhausted" I said, "care to join me?" With that he grinned and we made our way to my bedroom.

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