Forever and Always

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It started with the feel of the rush yet soothing sense in the wind. The sun was out in the sky with barely any clouds to cover such a warm feeling. You can hear the amount of force in the waves by the beach as they clash with the shoreline. The seagulls soared in the air as they cawed to one another letting said soothing wind carry them to unknown destinations.

8:15 A.M.

The day began for Class 1-A as they awoke from slumber getting dressed and ready start their weekend. They had all just returned from I-Island after enduring the thrilling hostile take over especially for certain individuals who took part in safely securing the mobile man made island. Although the fighting against heroes and villains was fierce, All Might and Deku persevered in defeating overwhelming villain Wolfram and rescuing Professor David Shield from the attempted kidnapping. Once the aftermath from the duel was settled all students along with All Might returned home.

The young Midoriya was just remembering the events that had occurred the other day before him and his fellow classmates arrived back in japan. Midoriya stared into his mirror inspecting the bandaging on his arms and face, it wasn't much that would make him feel too stuffy from the amount cloth wrapped on him. Once he got done dressing he stepped into his dorm slippers and made his way down into the common area. There most of his classmates had already started to either mingle, play games, or maybe make themselves breakfast. To his surprise he didn't see a certain brunette around. Midoriya turned into the kitchen to just see exactly... her....

Uraraka got done making an omelet, raising a confident smile on her face appreciating her work. She turned in time to just catch Midoriya staring at her from the entrance of the kitchen. She felt something within her start to beat faster the only thing that would so is her heart. Why do I feel so warm all of a sudden  she thought to herself. Wow.. shes so... beautiful  he then thought, after what seemed like a minute or so of staring they snapped into reality at what occurred. "AH!", "oh sorry!", "n-no my apologies" they said both coincidently at the same time. They both laughed at how they some how mimicked each others speech. "I'm sorry U-Uraraka I just came to make breakfast" Midoriya stated as he scratched the back of his head sheepishly. "Don't worry I got done just now" she said as she felt small blush crawl on her cheeks. They past each other awkwardly to go on their ways. After they were far enough to not hear each other he said to himself. "Izuku Midoriya heh you have a crush on her" he quite happily said so, little did he know a sneaky frog like girl was hearing all what he said........................

1:34 P.M.

Afternoon started to begin and the dorms were all but quiet until a well known muscular and flashing hero appeared out of nowhere and quickly snuck up on a greenette boy who was training outside by his lonesome. "YOUNG MIDORIYA. THERE YOU ARE!!!" All Might scared the soul out of Midoriya as per spirit attempts to leave out of Midoriya's mouth. Once the startled protégé regains his composure he asks curiously "All Might what are you doing here?!" surprised at the sudden appearance of his mentor. "I'd like to know if you and your friends would like to have dinner with me outside on the patio looking towards the ocean". To pass up this opportunity to hang out with his mentor for once would be dumb and disrespectful. "Of course I'm sure the group and I would like that" the boy said already excited. "HAHAHA! THATS GREAT TO HEAR" pulling a thumbs up towards the fanboy, "And young Midoriya no need to dress formal come be dressed comfortably". "Ill be sure to let everyone know thank you sir", he waved goodbye to his mentor as he was off. Wow I cant believe we're going to get to have dinner with All Might  he thought as he was making his way inside to inform his friends. After doing so they all were excited to hear besides Bakugo who just scolded at the plans made for later. Everyone settled down after the great news that was heard.

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