Date Night

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The big night, Michael and I have our dinner and a movie together. We both get home and get ready for the big date Michael had planned for us.

"Hey, Michael you almost ready?" I asked.

"Yes, I am." Michael he smiles.

"O.k. I'm ready, gotta grab our stuff, and head on our way to the movies." I replied.

"Yes, Clarity I'll be out in a minute!!" Michael says.

As we drive to the movies,we find a spot to park.

"OMG!! Michael, really I love this movie!! I'm so happy we can watch this movie together tonigh!" I said excitedly as I smiled.

"I know and that's why I knew you would love it." Michael said.

The movie is called "Fast And The Furious."

As we are watching the movie, we had our tacos for supper. After the movie was over, we headed home and relaxed.

Saturday morning arrives, and I decided to write some more in my book. I got so much done and I feel so relieved.

"Hey, Amanda, how's all your stuff been going?" Clarity asked.

"Great, and I literally flipped on this one person, because she thought she was better than I was." Amanda said.

"Oh, Wow. Really that's messed up." Clarity said.

"Yeah, but she backed off me, and left me alone, I feel so much better now." as Amanda smiles from ear to ear.

"That's good to hear Amanda!! I'm so very proud of you standing up for yourself." I said in a happy voice.

"Yeah, me too!" Amanda said. as she sat down and talked to me for a couple hours.

As we are hanging out, Michael comes in and gives me a big hug and a kiss. He then tells me he loves me, and he's gonna order out for supper. As he walks out the door, he smiles.

"Thanks, Michael I love you. I'll be out there in a few minutes.

"O.k. Clarity, and I love you to!" Michael says.

As Amanda and I are sitting there we both decide to go spend time with Michael, and watch movies til our supper arrives!

We put the movie Titanic in, and half hour later our pizza shows up.

"Yummy, pizza," Amanda says, as she smiles.

"Thanks Amanda I knew it be your favorite." Clarity says as she looks at Michael smiling.

Amanda hangs out a little bit after the movie got over with. Then she went home. Michael and I relaxed awhile then went to bed.

The weekend is pretty much over, and of course Michael back to work for the week. I went in and started writing some more.

"Clarity, how is everything going?" Michael asks.

"It's going very well, just writing then we can spend time together." Clarity says.

Half hour goes by. Clarity stops writing. She walks out to the living room, and sits to Michael to watch a movie.

"Hey, Clarity, how's your writing going?" Michael asks.

"Great, just tired of writing, wanted to spend time with you before the weekend is over." Clarity says smiling.

"Yeah, I understand Clarity." Michael says as he leans over and gives Clarity a big hug and a kiss.

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