Chapter 5

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Photo to the side - Katy Segal as Victoria Stephens

Lea's P.O.V.

I watched Carter walk away, confusion setting itself deep in my mind. I could see the conflicting emotions in his eyes again; the want, the need, the desire, the fear.

I took a deep breath and turned back to the stove. Baking was one of the few things I was good at and it took my mind off of my current predicament. I pulled out each of the pies and checked on the chocolate cake. I closed the oven and reset the timer for ten minutes and leaned against the warm appliance, closing my eyes as I took another deep breath.

"Are you alright, Ms. Lea?" a soft and warm voice sounded a few feet away.

I opened my eyes and looked over the lovely older woman. "Ms. Mahalia, right?"

"Just Mahalia, Ma'am."

I didn't realize I was crying again until I was wrapped in gentle arms. "Sh, Child."

The silent sobs racked my body as Mahalia caressed my hair. All the anger and the hurt that I had been holding in for the last five years, along with the confusion over Carter's words, were threatening to break me. But I refused to be broken. I couldn't allow the safe world I had built around myself to collapse.

I pulled back and wiped my eyes on my sleeves. "Sorry," I whispered out meekly.

"No need to apologize." Mahalia smoothed a loose piece of hair from my face, "It smells wonderful in here, Ms. Lea."

"Thanks," I smiled softly at the woman. "And please, it's just Lea."

Mahalia shook her head, "Mr. Stephens wouldn't like me addressing you as such."

"Mr. Stephens?" I raised an eyebrow, "You mean Carter?"

"Yes, Ma'am."

"Why not?" I asked.

"Because you are his guest, Ms. Lea."

I scoffed and watched as Mahalia's warm smile morphed into a frown. "Guests get to leave Ms. Mahalia," I informed her pointedly. "However, I don't think that he is going to let me go anytime soon."

Mahalia looked uncomfortable at my words and for some unknown reason, I immediately regretted my saying them.

"I'm sorry Ms. Mahalia. It's, it's just been a long couple of days." I wrung my hands as I spoke.

An uncomfortable silence settled over us and I couldn't stand it.

"Do you mind if I help make dinner? It's the least I can do for hijacking the kitchen for the last hour or so."

"No need to apologize, Ms. Lea. And I would love the company."

Mahalia and I settled into easy conversation as we prepared dinner. After about a hour and a half, Mahalia looked me over and smiled softly. "You're a natural."

I returned her smile, "Thanks. I learned from my Grams. She was always baking and cooking. It didn't matter what day of the week it was, it was just natural for all of the family to meet up at her house for dinner. Helping her in the kitchen is one of my favorite childhood memories."

We had been setting the items on the serving cart as we talked when a voice coming from the doorway caused us both to look up.

"Excuse me, Mahalia, but Lea needs to get ready for dinner." Carter's face was unreadable as he spoke.

I smiled apologetically to Mahalia and gave her a quick hug, earning a surprise squeak from the older woman.

"Thank you," I whispered in her ear. "Maybe I can help again?"

A Cartel Affair (First Original Draft)Where stories live. Discover now