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It was a starry night in a city from the UK called Manchester. Many people were sleeping, exhausted from staying up late for Christmas. Much of the cities family's were at home, getting ready for the upcoming Boxing Day, and a good nights sleep is what everyone was craving at the moment.

You'd think, this late at night, everyone would want to lay on their comfy beds and do nothing at all, this was not the case for four foxes, dressed up in black clothes and trench coats, though. And as they were climbing rooftops and other buildings and objects, they were nearing a famous museum, the Manchester Musuem.

Now you may ask, what are these foxes planning on doing? And what exactly are their names, anyway? Well, good question, the leader of the so called crew of foxes was named Jackson, a tall, slightly muscular, and average sized adult fox. His crewmates were Jake, Cody, and Ethan. All intelligent in their own things.

Now, what are they planning on accomplishing? Well, this is the part that you'll soon to figure out.

Friday 25, December at 3:14 AM
Location: Manchester, UK, at the Manchester Musuem

Only a few more rooftops until we reach our destination, Jackson announced to his crew. I'm taking left side, correct boss? Jake said confusingly. Yes, you enter the vents on the far left of the building. Jackson replied.

As they jumped from the apartments next to the museum, they all landed on the rooftop, grouping up to the center on top. Okay, Ethan, you take right side and enter through the vents from there, remember, scout out and watch our backs, and Jake, you disable the lights and alarms, after you two are done with that, head to the rooftops, we'll meet you there once me and Cody are done getting the statue, you got it? Jackson said. Got it. both Jake and Ethan replied.

Jake headed toward the vents, Ethan doing the same on the opposite side. You ready man? Jackson said to Cody, one of his friends he's had for a long time, their friendship lasting since High School. Yeah man, let's do this. Cody replied. They both exchanged mischievous smiles before heading in.

Jackson made his way to the glass on the rooftop, Cody following close behind. Jackson began cutting a circle big enough for both of them to grapple down into the main area of the musuem. Once he was done, he wrapped around the grappling part on a ledge, soon after he slid down the rope part, Cody following behind once again.

Jake crawled through the vents, looking out each one to find the control room, after continuous crawling, he came up to the vent out looking the control room, which had computers that had a live feed from the cameras throughout the building, the small room also contained the light switches for every room in the museum, and a few other technical appliances.

But one of the things that stood out the most, a half asleep buffalo guard overlooking the cameras, Jake unscrewed the bolts holding the vent together, once he was done, he quietly placed the vent door aside, and then slowly dropped down to the floor. He crept up to the guard, who was nearly asleep. Jake pulled out a pistol with a silencer attached to it, aimed it at the guards head, and then fired, right before the guard dropped from his chair, Jake grabbed ahold of the buffalos heavy body, placing it quietly on the floor, as to not make much sound to alert the other guards.

Okay, let's see here. Jake said quietly, looking at the light panel, with a flashlight in one hand, Ah fuck it. Jake said, deciding to turn off every light in the building. He then closed the panel and started heading up to the vents, then suddenly the control rooms door opened.

On the east side of the building, Ethan was perched up on the museums balcony, getting the sniper rifle in place, when he was done, just suddenly the lights turned off, he overlooked the place, finding guards of all different animal species scattered around with flashlights in hand, talking to eachother on what happened. Maybe there was a system malfunction? A cheetah said to a nearby fox, the voices slightly muffled. Ethan attached the silencer on the rifle, and aimed nearby where Jackson and Cody were perched up against glass displays, waiting for their signal.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2020 ⏰

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