Chapter Thirty Five - Night Changes.

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Breakfast wasn’t exactly what I would describe as ‘fun’. The only sounds emitting from the room were forks and knives scraping across the China plates. I couldn’t sleep past five despite being exhausted. I slipped out of bed and sat downstairs by myself watching the morning news until seven, when I thought it was an appropriate time to start preparing breakfast.

I wasn’t feeling too peachy but I swallowed the sickness I was feeling and managed to fry up a decent meal. I wasn’t a particular fan of a traditional fry up, I preferred something more savoury, but I knew Harry craved bacon, eggs and hash browns like a heavily pregnant lady. 

By the time everything was cooked, people were slowly emerging into the kitchen - the smoke alarm going off whilst I was frying tomatoes probably didn’t help their sleep patterns. I flashed each of them a sheepish smile as I laid all the food out on the island in the middle of the kitchen. 

Harry was the last one to appear, his torso was still bare and my eyes were lingering too much to be acceptable at the breakfast table. His sweatpants hung low on his hips with the waistband of his boxers barely covering his V lines. I wondered if he’d ever considered modelling because I’d buy every copy of Vogue if he was in it - although I was slightly bias. 

No one mentioned anything about yesterday, I couldn’t tell whether this was a good thing or bad. It felt like there was something heavy hang in the air but no one wanted to talk about it. I ate my toast in silence, Harry beside me, gave the occasional satisfied grunt as he ate his food.

“Don’t know what I’m gonna when you move out Len, I’m a growing boy, I need someone to cook my breakfast every morning,” Niall was the first one to break the silence of the morning. I chuckled and shook my head at him.

“Don’t even think about making a move, this one’s taken.” Harry replied swinging his arm around my neck. I scowled up at him, poking his side to get his attention. 

“I’m not an object to own you know.”

“If you wanna make a move with Niall be my guest, but I’ll have you know he hasn’t got anything impressive to show you.” He smirked, the pride glistening in his eyes.

“And you’d know that because?” 

“Don’t listen to him, he’s just jealous because I’m a real man.” Niall jested, tensing his arms as if to show off his muscles - which I was having trouble seeing if I’m honest. 

“Just because you have about three chest hairs does not make you a man.” 

“You’re cutting deep now, they’re my pride and joy.” He began rubbing his chest and frowning deeply at Harry. Harry rolled his eyes and squeezed my shoulder even tighter.

“Go back to swiping right on tinder, I’m sure you’ll find at least one girl who won’t block you after you send them one of your bloody awful one liners.”

“My pick up lines are great!” 

“What’s your favourite silverware? Because I like to spoon, is the worst pick up line I’ve ever heard.” 

“What you talking about? That one’s great! It really gets the ladies going.” Niall defended himself, hands firmly gripping his hips in protest. 

“I’d love to meet one girl that has worked on.”

“Harry leave him alone, he’ll find someone who puts up with his …ways at some point.”

“Thanks Lennon, at least one of you is nice.”

“Just maybe, try introducing yourself instead of the pickup lines, they’re probably not doing you any favours.”

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