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I don't know Who I'm writing to

I'm hurting
I'm in pain
I feel like I'm constantly carrying this heavy weight around on me and it's killing me

I can't face anyone and I'm sorry Ethan.. but I know you going was my fault.

I know the things I said were horrible and hurt you

I saw your bruises and scars and still laughed

I never wanted to loose you
I'm sorry I called you fat
I know how you feel

It was only a joke

I cry alone at night I'm worried for the rest of us

We miss you please wake up

Please come back


I'm broken

I know how you felt

To think the only way out was dead but your never going to see this

Because your dead

I never said I love you brother

I never said goodbye

I. Want my future kids to grow up just like you

I miss you

I'm hallucinating

I keep seeing you
Hearing you

But it's not real


Letters: Ethan PayneWhere stories live. Discover now