Chapter 1- The Incinerated Spaceship Bar

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I touch the artificial, floating island with my gleaming brown boots and steady myself. I feel like I should be a bit more tentative, remembering I haven't been this far into this part of the galaxy, Alpha Eusebeia, before. Thus, I decide to tread a little more warily and begin to tread towards the building in front of my attentive eyes. I think of scanning the building for life but before I can think twice, I hear a load roar of laughter from inside the building and instantly infer this to be the correct place.

The Incinerated Spaceship Bar

I'm faced with a metallic door with mysterious, aquamarine lights in strips down the sides. I know the procedure and wave my hand over the blue lights. The door splits into two halves horizontally and cowers away into it's holders. A large eruption of laughter is current then dies down quicker than my phone battery normally. I'm faced with an immense wall of smoke and the pungent smell of pure alcohol hangs in the the thick smoke like a cloud. I splutter as everyone stops what they're doing and turns to me. I am the center of attention and that's how I like it. I get the odd dirty look, but apart from that, I'm doing alright. No-one has recognized me. Yet.

I wander over to the gold metal bar and wait patiently for the barman to recognize my presence instead of flirting with a yellow skinned girl with purple hair and a rather revealing outfit. Finally, the man notices my annoyed stare and mutters something to the girl then he hastily walks over. He seems to be a Kazinia, a cat man who looks similar to a human with spiked brown fur on the top of his head and his human fingers coated in the think layer of cocoa coloured fur with stripes of burnt sienna. He stumbles over and and asks me, in a slightly guilty tone, 'What do you want?'. I point to the girl with the yellow skin and reply bluntly with 'I'll have what she's having.'. She giggles a bit and I give her a slight wink. 'One House Special' he purrs and slides a glass concoction of layers of scarlet, turquoise and lime with a shimmery straw. 'Thanks'. I respond with a grateful look on my face. The Kazinia goes back to talking to the yellow girl but she still has her gaze on me. He scowls at me with a insulting hiss and I continue walking. I'll deal with him later.

Now I must find the person I've come here to meet.

Swiftly, I rotate to face the rest of the bar. Before I can even begin to leave the bar, his eyes meet mine. Harlan Atticus. He normally gives me my contracts but I do use others. Anything to get by. I traipse over to Harlan cautiously, drink in hand. Harlan is sat by himself in one of the velvet-cushioned cubicles, waiting for me. He checks his watch and flicks it open which reveals a teal coloured hologram of the time. He sighs and mutters something to himself. I know those 2 words are 'He's late'.

He knows me too well.

I strut over, ignoring several looks at me. An ash tray fizzles to the right of me. A cackle comes from my left. I turn and realise two drunk men, chatting away, ignoring everyone else. Like me. I continue to walk towards Harlan. He notices me approaching and has a facial expression showing frustration and excitement; he waves his hand, inviting me over. He greets me with 'I expected you to be late, and you met my expectations'. I laugh and reply 'So, you got any contacts for me?'. Unexpectedly, he acts very serious. 'I got a request' he exclaims. My heart stops then beats twice. I feel the blood pulse through my body-making me feel like there's lead flowing through my body, weighing me down. 'Well, some guy called Holstein Onyx decided it would be a good idea to break into my house and steal my hard-earned money and then thought he'd like to steal my car as well' he says, furiously. The anger heats up inside of him, like a boiling cauldron-and it shows on his face-making his cheeks turn to a radiant crimson colour. I know what he'll say next and before I can say anything he reveals I will be the one taking Holstein down. 'I know what I need to do' which I utter, adding a wink on top. He snickers slightly then says 'I'll send you the details'. I rise and salute him, jokingly, and begin to walk off; however, I am tapped on the shoulder.

It's the yellow skinned girl.                                                                                                                               'Hey, here's my number. Call me. Thanks for getting that Kazinia away from me, he frustrates me a lot. With his poor attempts to 'chat' me up.'  I chuckle and she giggles with me in her innocent voice. 'No problem. Anytime' A smile appears on my face without my realizing.                                                   'I'm Ashera. Ashera Cloven'. She returns my smile with another cheerful smile. I realize I better not tell her my real name so I adjust it instead.                                                                                                       'I'm Alex Heliot. I better get going though, I'll give you a call' I lie. She gives me a wink and without a delay I begin walking towards the metallic doors again. Something unnerves me. A flash, shining in the metal. The yellow skinned girl, Ashera, is clutching a knife, preparing to throw it at me. Without hesitation, I turn swiftly, dodging her throw. I knew there was something odd about her-I just couldn't work it out. A look of vexation appears on her face. She knows she has lost. I open my scarlet jacket and whip out my titanium pistol and fill her with two bullets: one to the shoulder and the other, her heart. She clutches her large chest as emerald blood seeps out onto her hands as she drops to the tarnished floor and lays lifelessly. The only feeling I feel right now is a sense of achievement. Some people would think I'm cold hearted and I agree with them. I turn to leave as Harlan's eyes meet mine, he chortles inaudibly and I wave my hands opening the doors again. I need to get out of here. And quick.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2015 ⏰

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