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"So it's... Twins?" Daphne repeated, dumbfounded, at the mediwizard. The woman nodded. By her side, Harry seemed to positively glow.

Merlin above, this was going to bring her a headache. Twins? Her family had barely conceived two children each generation, imagine bringing two babies at once? Her grandmother, Merlin have her soul, would have a conniption and have her bedbound until the children were born and weaned.

Back to reality, the mediwizard was still speaking something that Daphne forced herself to pay attention. The odds, perhaps? Twins tended to be uncommon between wizards, after all.

"In sum, yes, mrs. Potter, twins." They had gotten married in paper only, signing a marriage certificate so that the children wouldn't be bastards; Merlin knew that the law wasn't kind to children outside of a marriage, and Daphne knew it wouldn't be good. She had always dreamed of a nice little wedding, but with her sudden pregnancy, it wasn't meant to be. Not right now, at least. "A boy and a girl. Congratulations on your good luck. Now, to the rest of the results..."

Half-heartedly listening to the mediwizard speak about the results of the several potions Daphne had drawn blood for, she couldn't help but realize this was going to be more than a headache; it would be an uphill battle. Daphne didn't care for the test results; ever since the news of the pregnancy had been known to her, she had tried to be slightly healthier.

She did not say that to the nice mediwizard, though; instead, she politely smiled and thanked her, and said she hoped she'd be able to stay in her care until the children were born.

They had been back home for a few hours when Harry started suggesting names. Perhaps she should've chosen to not know the genders, just to delay that particular discussion for a few months.

Unfortunately, that wasn't the decision she took, and Daphne couldn't travel back in time to slap herself into making another decision. She would have to deal with the fallout.

"James... Sirius?" Harry tried, casually as possible, reading a book while he leaned on her. Daphne glared at him, looking up from the news report she'd been reading. The two were on the couch, a few hours after the consultation with the mediwizard. "Aw, come on, it's a good name."

"Why not save it for other children? James and Sirius, instead using them all in one name." Daphne pushed away the report she was supposed to deliver tomorrow, and Harry closed his book, setting it aside. "The boy can be James Sirius as long as the girl is Colette Theodosia. An eye for an eye, a parent for a parent; it's only fair."

Harry paused. Opened his mouth. Closed it. Opened again. Daphne patiently waited for him to mull over the subject. Daphne went back to reading her paper.

"Colette... Lily?" He offered, after a full five-minute pause. She'd almost forgotten what the subject had been.

"James Andrew." Daphne paused this time, brain thinking over what he had said, rolling the syllables on her tongue. "Wait, Colette Lily isn't so bad. You might be onto something there."

Harry smiled, throwing an arm around her shoulders, bringing her closer, if that was possible.

"See? I don't have such a bad taste for names. I can get one right." Harry smiled, genuine, and Daphne rolled her eyes. "I saw that."

"Yeah, yeah, I still remember you honestly suggesting Albus Severus as a name option." Harry made a sound that vaguely sounded like an offended gasp. Daphne elected to ignore it. "Listen, if you want to name your kid after your school headmaster and your potions teacher - who hated you, remember? -, I'm not the woman for you."

Harry sighed, but nodded. He rested against her, warm against her, his comforting smell on Daphne's nose.

It was comfortable. Daphne could barely wait to have two little kids running around. Hopefully, two little kids with good names.

"Alright, I get it." His voice vibrated against her, and Daphne leaned into him. "James and Colette, huh. Doesn't sound half bad."

"Right?" Daphne picked up her paper again, back to reading. "I hope they look like you."

Harry laughed. She looked at him, through the corner of her eyes.

"That's funny." He started, slowly, and Daphne marked a misspelled word with a little spell. "I always hoped they looked like you."

She ended up marking more than the original word, going for the whole phrase and the margins, looking at Harry, baffled. He looked to her, as well, confusion shining in his green eyes.

"What?" He asked, surprised by it, and Daphne shook her head. How could the two be like that...? "Aw, come on. If these two don't look like you, maybe the next couple few will."

"Next couple few?" Daphne echoed. Was he short of a marble and Daphne hadn't noticed until now? Had he always been like that?

"Yeah, I always wanted a big family." He gave her such a wide grin that, for a moment, Daphne forgot the one carrying the babies to term would be her, picturing a full house, children running around laughing. A happy household: something she'd never had, never able to laugh freely, always slinking through corners to avoid her parents' next scheme.

Then the reality of her having to carry several babies safely came crashing down on her, and Daphne - who was a pureblood, and therefore more prone to miscarriage - came back down.

But she wasn't going to be the one to tell Harry that, and besides, it would bring bad luck to even speak it out loud. Instead, she snorted.

"Yeah, right. How many kids do you want?" Daphne set her sight back on the paper she was reading, correcting the mistake she did and undoing the mark as she went.

"I've always wanted three or four."

"Well, better decide soon, because we're already getting a two for one special here." She snorted again, and Harry was silent for a moment.

Daphne could've sworn she heard a "better go for five kids, then", but she tactfully elected to ignore it. Five children...? Did she look like a broodmare to him, or...?

She shook her head, putting a hand to her stomach. That didn't matter right now, and could be discussed later, frankly. Besides, James and Colette were good names to start with.

Harry's fingers interlaced with hers, and she smiled. He'd be a wonderful father, as long as he didn't get many naming rights.

Well, that was part of Daphne's duties, she supposed.

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