A Separate Peace by John Knowles

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Taken from: A Separate Peace by John Knowles


Here you are in your solitary splendor, skylarks and splashes and petalbearing breezes.

Sleep suspended all but changed nothing. Dreams of escape and a clean start lost their meaning for me.

I reckoned my responsibilities by the light of the unsentimental night sky. 

A conventional background of domestic white and schoolboy blue almost caught the rhythym of it; the dancing, clicking, jangle of it, on the prow of a cahoe like a river god.

 Winter and Waves

Peace had deserted Devon

High spirits came hard in the haze

It scattered the easy going summer spirit like so many fallen leaves

We seemed to be nothing but children playing among heroic men

Eluded by a word from Phineas, I had simply ducked, that was all, and the wave’s concentrated power had hurtled harmlessly overhead

He shared nothing, knew nothing, felt nothing as Phineas had done

This little snow, this harmless trick

Like noiseless invaders conquering because they took possession so

Sharp stars pierced singly through the blackness… single chilled points of light, as unromantic as knife blades

Illuminating the dust and splinters of the hall floor

Although the playing fields were crusted under a foot of congealed snow and the river was now a hard gray-white lane of ice between gaunt and trees, peace had come back to Devon for me

The Last of the Autumn Sun

Sharp stars pierced singly through the blackness

The rays of the receding autumn sun

An unfriendly, discomforting breath of air, an edge of wintery chill, air that shriveled, soon to put out the lights on the countryside

I ran a large circle around him

There was no harm in taking aim, even if the target was a dream

"Listen Pal, if I can't play sports, you're going to play them for me."

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