Irondad x Spiderson

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New Beginning


Has Endgame spoilers, but not in the way that you'd expect

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Tony is working in the lab at the compound when his phone rings. His AI alerts him of it.

Um, Boss? You have an incoming call from 'Aunt Hottie'. Would you like me to-

"Answer it!" Tony always gets anxious when he gets calls from May.

Answering call.

"Hello, Spider-Aunt." Tony goes back to tinkering with Peter's web-shooters. He has been trying to find a way to keep the supply of fluid constant for weeks. "To what do I owe this great pleasure?"

There's a bit of rustling on the other end, sounding like clothes dropping to to floor. Tony couldn't help but let his mind wander... just a little bit...

"Tony? Did you even hear what I said?" May's exasperated tone yanked him out of his daydream. "Tony!"

"What?! Oh- Um. No?" He puts the tools down and actually pays attention when she starts speaking again.

A loud sigh can be heard from the other end and a soft -beep- as the phones comes off speaker. "I said that I have to work a graveyard shift. Peter has been acting weird ever since- Well since you almost- Since Thanos..." She takes a second and adds, "Oh my God. I'm so sorry, that was so insens-"


"-itive. I should-"

"May!" Tony spoke louder this time, effectively cutting her off. "It's alright. Did you want me to come get him early and keep him till Sunday night?" He had taken calls from Peter's Aunt like this before, her needing something from Tony, Tony already knowing what it was.

"Tony, it's a Thursday night though. You don't have to keep him overnight." She says the words fast and then speaks again. This time it's not for him to hear though.

"Hey, Peter. I'm off to the hospital. I love you, I should be home around eleven tomorrow. So text me before you go to the compound, yeah?" Her words are still rushed and Tony can't hear Peter's reply.

There's more rustling and the slam of a door, "Hey! Sorry about that, I'm kind of pressed for time."

Grabbing his screw driver again, Tony chuckles a little, "Go to work Mama Spider. I'll take the kid to school tomorrow. Have fun." He quickly has FRIDAY hang up the phone and tightens a few loose screws.

"FRIDAY, send 'Spiderling' a message. Tell him that I will be there to pick him up in thirty-six minutes." Tony doesn't look up or flinch at all as he finishes the mini project he'd been working on. He hadn't managed to make the web-fluid inexhaustible, but he made the capacity larger by 3 grams.

Yes, Boss. 'Spiderling' has responded with a string of emojis. Would you like me to name them?

"No, that's fine FRIDAY. Thank you." He drops the shooters and grabs a jacket as he heads to the garage.

Exactly thirty-five minutes later, Tony is pulling up in front of Peter's Queens apartment building. Today he has chosen to take the white Audi.

Okay. So now I wait exactly one minute. Gotta keep this kid on his feet somehow.

A minute later, Tony is knocking on Peter's door. "Kid, come on! I gave you a highly specific time, did you not-"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2020 ⏰

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