Blue and gold

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Betty's POV:
After lunch me and Kevin headed to the blue and gold to work on an article. After about half an hour of working, Kevin spoke up. K-"so B, fangs is really cute and at first I thought we wanted to kill me along with the other serpents but it turns out he is really nice. I think I might be crushing on him!" I nodded to tell him I approve of his decision. Just then we heard a knock on the door. And there stood jughead. J-"can I come in?" K-"sure, what's up jughead?" J-"nothing much, I was just wondering if I could talk to whoever runs the blue and gold". K-"and that's my que to leave". I quickly glared at him before he and just as he was about to head out that door he smirked at me. Then jughead came and sat where Kevin originally was and then he started talking to me. J-"so betts, I was wondering if I could join the blue and gold and yes I do have my previous work from the red and black. Could you take a look at it and see if it's any good or not?" I nodded my head yes and proceeded to look through his old folder. Dang he writes good, even better then me. Ha. I nodded yes to tell him he could join. Honestly this is one of the best decisions I've actually ever made. Oh shoot it's already 4:30! Dad's going to kill me! I quickly passed jughead a note that said Dear jughead, I have to go home now, and yes ur now a member of the blue and gold. I'll text you some article ideas later. I'll see you tomorrow! ~betts❤️ i quickly gave him the note and rushed back home. If only I knew what my father was going to do in the first place when i got home. But nope! Oh god!
Jughead's POV:
Once Betty left I felt so happy that I got into the blue and gold! Now I can see her everyday! I've never felt this way for a girl but it feels like I'm walking on cloud-9 when I'm with Betty. My Betty!
Anyways once I got home I noticed my dad was the only one home. He told me that mom and jelly went to visit our grandparents in Toledo and would be back next week. Then I went upstairs and decided to watch Netflix for a little bit. (~a half hour later~) I got bored and kind of wanted to see Betty but I didn't know her address so I texted Kevin for it.
~texts between J and K~
J: hey Kevin do you know Betty's address?
K: yea it's 123 Elm street riverdale PWY
J: thanks Kevin, bye 👋
K: no problem, bye 👋
~end of text messages~
Once he sent me the address I quickly rode my bike there and then stopped at the door with a big red house. Then I started hearing shouting coming from inside. So I decided to look in the window. Then I saw something I never thought I would see ever in my whole life! Something evil yet so very cruel!
Oof Cliffhanger! I hope you guys enjoy this story so far! Comment below what you think happens next? And your thoughts on this story! Thanks~ Abiha🥀
568 words NOT including this!

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