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"okay gray so i got-" carter was cut of by the sound of hushing. "shhh.." grayson whisper to the girl from the couch. carter raised an eyebrow as she closed the dolans door quietly, after slipping her shoes off. grayson called her over to the couch with his hand, as she placed the pizzas on the coffee table her heart dropped, "it's like everytime i'm with you and your around your friends it's like i'm a fucking ghost!" carter flinched at the sound of ethan screaming and cursing, he never did both at the same time and when he did it was bad. but only carter had noticed that. "you know what ethan! that's total bullshit! fucking ridiculous! you- god forget it!" carter looked down at her phone as grayson looked for a movie. obviously it was there friday night movie. carters eyes widen as she heard gemma curse, she never would have though such words like that come out of her mouth. gemma seemed to good. ethans bedroom door flew open and before everyone knew it gemma stood at the bottom of the stairs, "oh-i didn't know she be here?" carter bit the inside of her cheek, grayson scoffed and rolled his eyes. ethan shoved past his girl a little, "yeah sorry if that bothers you, carter's always here friday nights. it's a thing our friendship has." ethan said rudely with a fake smile at gemma. carters heart was racing, she hated tension. grayson patted carters knee softly, he knew how much she hated fights and problems. ethan took a seat next to carter in his old spot, just like old times. gemma marched herself to the other couch, sighing softly as she leaned into pillows that normally would be replaced by the dolan.
carter felt like she might explode, she was hot and she had kicked off her blanket 5 minutes ago. the usual has happened, grayson falling asleep in carters lap. but then ethan threw his arm around carter which had thrown off there whole usual cycle. everyone knew he only did it to bother gemma. and well she was clearly bothered. gemma was staring at carter like if the girl moved gemma might kill her with her mighty vision. carter grew so uncomfortable that she kept moving causing grayson to wake up and him now awake during the movies for once. carter wanted to scream at ethan for acting childish and scream at gemma for basically burning holes into carter with her damn eyes. carter just wanted to watch the movie, the girl sighed finally getting up not being able to handle it. "i'm getting a drink, anyone want anything..?" she said softly. gemma rolled her eyes looking away from the girl finally. "nah i'm good cc, thanks." ethan said sending his best friend a smile. grayson shook his head softly smiling at the girl. she nodded making her way to the kitchen, she grabbed some coke from the boys fridge. she felt a little more relaxed as she took a sip of her cold drink. "i feel like if i move a bomb might go off.." grayson whispered softly in the kitchen making carter jump slightly. "oh god i know...i hate it..i feel like gemma might kill me if i make one wrong move.." grayson smiled at the girl. "ethans acting stupid. putting his arm around you, like come on dude that's going to make things worse.." carter softly nodded taking another sip, "we should have just escaped to your room to watch a movie, we could have escaped the devils camber." grayson cracked a smile and started laughing at carters comment. then she was laughing at graysons laugh and well it lasted a couple of minutes. one trying to shut up but failing causing the other to laugh harder.
ethan was now growing annoyed, he didn't understand why though. grayson and carter were just laughing. gemma was watching him closely, "you know ethan if them being in there together bothers you so much-just stop it then." ethan glared at gemma, "why the hell would you say that-" "your clearly in love with her, and your just mad she seems to be in love with the wrong twin." ethan glared at her even harder, it had seem to scare gemma when she basically grew small in front of ethan as she looked away. in love, what the hell was she talking about. of course ethan was in love with carter, you know the way you love your best friend.
carter and grayson had finally made it back to the living room, both ploping down on the couch. the tension had seem to die down, carter was thankful. she couldn't stand the glare of gemma anymore. but carter soon realized ethan was off, his face looked like he had a storm of emotions going off in his head and he didn't know how to control it. "e, you okay..?" carter whispered low enough just for his ears only. but he wasn't paying attention, he was lost in thought until carter poked the side of his face making him crack a smile. he brought his attention to his best friend, "yeah don't worry i'm good cc, thanks for always caring." she nodded with a wide smile, "of course e, what are best friends for." little did the pair know carters words had hurt both of them, one knew why and the other didn't.


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