The crush.

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Draco had this crush on a boy that had Brown hair, Blue eyes. He couldn't get his mind off of him when suddenly he bumped into the boy "I'm so- watch it Potter." He said as the boy looked up at Draco and it was revealed to be the famous Harry Potter. "Shut up Malfoy." Harry said as he walked off. Draco watched Harry walk off "Why am I having feelings for him, he's my enemy..." He said to himself as he leaned against the wall not really looking at the people passing by him. Draco was still asking himself why he had feeling for the famous Harry Potter. Draco walked to his class which was with Harry, he wasn't really paying attention to class because he was to busy day dreaming about Harry. Harry had a slight crush on Draco but he didn't say anything about it because he knew Draco would hear about it. Draco looked down at the ground as he was day dreaming and when class was over he had gotten up. He walked to the Slytherin common room and sat down on the couch as he still had Harry on his mind. Harry was walking in the halls as he smiled softly while walking around. He saw Hermione and Ron so he walked over to them "Hey Mione and Ron" He said as Hermione and Ron hugged Harry.

A/N:Hey guys I ran out of idea's but I will add more later!

How many words that was used in the chapter:233

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