New family

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"Ok please sign here." Ms. Y said. My heart was racing the whole time. "Abbey you ok?" Ms. Young said. I nodded. "Ok guys your free to take her, but be careful she's a feisty one, and don't let her out of your sight, or bad things will come upon you." Ms. Young said the way in a movie when you get something from a witch or someone. Ms.Young put my bags by the door and we all walked out.

"So, Abbey." Louis started. We we're already driving. "What did Ms. Young mean about watch you and don't let you out of our sight?" he finished. I knew exactly why but I didn't want him to know and take me back. "Ms. young is a crazy person." I mumbled. Then we stoped at there flat. It was HUGE!!!! I hopped out and grbbed my bags. "For a fourteen year old she's really jumpy." I heard Harry whsiper to Liam.

"I'm not jumpy." I said. "Yes you are." Harry said laughing. I ran inside with the speed of the fastest animal on the planet, CHEETAHS. "Dang, your fast." Liam said. "Yep." I said popping the 'P'. As Louis was picking up my bags my song book/diary fell out. "Whats this?" he asked. I ran to him in a second I was we're he was standing. "How did you do that, you we're on the other side." He asked. I grabbed my song book/diary out of his hands.

"Let me read it, i'm your new father/brother." Liam said as he grabbed it. "A love song?" he asked. My heart sank. I wrote that because of my dad ans mom. They gave me up becasue they said I wasn't normal. "Ooh sing it." Harry pipped up. I shook my head. "come on please." Liam said. "No." I said. "Please." Niall said. Now they were all pleading. "NO, i mean no." I said. The house shook when I yelled no. Then I started crying then I ran up to the bathroom.

I looked into the mirror and saw my mom. I punched the glass. My hand was all bloody. Then the bosy came in. They looked at the glass then my hand. "Did you punch the glass?" Louis said in a worried tone.

I didn't answer. Then i felt a cold liquid sorta thign on the bloody hand. It hurt. "Ouch!" I said. My hand was really red. "What are you alergic to?" Liam asked as he wrapped my hand up. "Nothing." I reswpaned. He nodded. Then Harry walked in. he had tears in his eyes. "Harry whats wrong?" Liam asked. Harry was now crying. I knew he read the song on the first page. Then Harry looked at me adn hugged me.

"I love you." He said.................................


awwwww thats was soooooooooooooo cute i gonna put the song in the next chapter and I wrote it no joke hope you like it :P bye buggers

Abbey Blu (one direction fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang