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"So tell us, what do you want? You could've kept your sinful secret forever, so why tell us now?" Sasuke asks

"Just because you have a child with my husband, doesn't mean you get to break us apart" Shiori says as she grips Sasuke's arm tighter

'I thought that we could finally put all the feud and bad blood behind us, and yet she does this. Well it doesn't matter, a child won't make me love her. Shiori is and always will be the only woman for me' Sasuke thought

"T-That's not it! I...I just..." Sakura says in a panic

"How old is the child?" Sasuke asks

"...The same age as Shiho and Sosuke" Sakura answers

Sasuke takes out his check book and write on it before presenting it to her

"Ah!" her eyes widens at the amount

"This should be more than enough for child support. So I don't want to speak of this ever again" Sasuke says seriously

"Come on Sasuke, I know what she did is wrong, Sarada is still your daughter, and she deserves a father figure" Naruto says

'I understand what he's saying, the child isn't at fault. But why must I, my wife, and children suffer the consequences of someone else's sin?'

"I understand where you're coming from Naruto but you have to understand where I'm coming from as well. I have a wife and eight young children, who might I add, activated a trauma caused power because of this event. I would take take the responsibility if I gave her a child willingly, but I didn't, did I?" Sasuke says seriously

"And while we're at it, Sakura, you're fired" Shiori says

Sakura who's been quiet all this time, looks up


"I don't regret to inform you that you are being fired from my medical facility for gross misconduct" Shiori says

"W-wait. I have a child, please Shiori!" Sakura begs

'I can't lose my job! I have bills to pay and I have to bring food to the table'

"Well you should've thought of that before violating my husband"

Shiori takes the check from Sasuke's hand

"However I am not a heartless person. Here's your final paycheck" Shiori says as she presents it to Sakura

"Shiori please. Naruto, Shikamaru" Sakura pleads for assistance from the two men

"Sorry Sakura, but Shiori have the rights to do that" Naruto says

"In fact, firing you is the most lenient thing she could do. She could have you thrown in jail or worse, kill you" Shikamaru explains

"Indeed, thank you Shikamaru" Shiori nods in approval

"We're done talking about this. I don't want to ever be reminded of this sickening event ever again" Sasuke says as he stands up, pulling Shiori with him before leaving the room

Sakura could only cry

"Sorry Sakura, Shiori and Sasuke have that choice since what you did is a serious matter. We can't make a choice for them" Shikamaru says

'Why did this have to happen? No. Why did I let this happen'

"Look on the bright side. This is a really big paycheck. You could start a brand new business with this sum of money" Naruto says in an attempt to lift the mood

'I hate myself'

"Yeah, that's more than enough. You could stop working a month and still have money problem free"

Naruto and Shikamaru tries to comfort Samura but nothing they say is processing in her mind

'Sasuke, Shiori. I'm so so sorry'

With Sasuke and Shiori...

They soon reach their home. Shiori's younger brother is waiting for them in the living room

"Sasuke Onii-chan, Shiori Onee-chan" Shion says as he stands up from the sofa and walks up to the two

"Where's the kids?" Sasuke asks

"I dropped them off at Mother and Father's" Shion answers

All the tears Shiori's been holding back finally bursts out. Sasuke comes to hug her

'At least my kids don't have to see me appearing so weak and hopeless' she thought

"What will happen now? Why did this have to happen, why?!" she cries

"Onee-chan" Shion says worriedly

Sasuke hugs Shiori tighter

"Nothing will happen, we'll continue on like normal. I love you and the family that we've built. Not even what Sakura did will crumble what we have" Sasuke says

"That's right Onee-chan, everything will be okay"

'I'm so lucky to have such an amazing husband and a sweet younger brother'

"Come on, let's go to bed. You too Shion" Sasuke says as he guides Shiori upstairs to their room

"Goodnight" Shion says

Sasuke sits Shiori down on the bed

"I'm so angry, so sad, disappointed. It would seem that I'm feeling all the negative notions towards her" Shiori says as she continues to sob

"I know, me too. I hope you don't see me any differently after that revelation" Saduke says

"Of course not, you're still MY Sasuke" Shiori says as she looks at him intently

"And you're MY Shiori, my precious wife. I love you and only you" Sasuke says as he grabs Shiori's cheek and draws closer

Their lips meet and they share a passionate kiss. And it soon leads to them doing the deed. They spent the entire night reaffirming our love for one another, also in an attempt to forget what transpired in the earlier events

As for Sakura, she returns home after crying her heart out to Naruto and Shikamaru. However when she gets home, she's still a mess

She's at the kitchen table, staring at the two checks in front of her

'Nice going Sakura, you messed up big time yet again'

"What am I supposed to do now?" she says in a whisper

This is her fault, she knows

'I have no one to blame but myself'

Unable to hold it in, more tears begin to fall from her eyes

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Please forgive me" she says in whisper to no one in particular

Of course, in the end, she's faced with reality, and she have to face the consequences of her own actions

Piercing Hearts (Sasuke x OC) [Slow Updates]Where stories live. Discover now