tell me how it feels to be the moon.

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gorgeous, serene, and loving too.

when the sun dips gently under cerulean waves,
we swim our sadness away under the tender gaze of the moon. we're young and we believe that the stars shine for us (they do!) we're young and we believe that we're truly in love (we are!) we're young and we believe and we believe and we believe and we believe-

and it's funny, don't you think?

because i could have lived half a life
of not knowing you
not touching you
never once loving you
and yet,
somehow we met
and now somehow when i
reminisce on my existence-
             i think of your lips.
i hear the soft beat of your heart,
i feel the light of the stars from your touch
and i want it all very much.

POUR AMÉLIE, LA LUNE.Where stories live. Discover now